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《代碼閱讀工具》(Scientific Toolworks Understand )v3.0.612 x86|X64[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《代碼閱讀工具》(Scientific Toolworks Understand )v3.0.612 x86|X64[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 代碼閱讀工具 英文名 : Scientific Toolworks Understand 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v3.0.612 x86|X64 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : Scientific Toolworks, Inc 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Understand軟件的功能主要定位於代碼的閱讀理解。界面用Qt開發的。 具備如下
"《代碼閱讀工具》(Scientific Toolworks Understand )v3.0.612 x86|X64[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 代碼閱讀工具
英文名: Scientific Toolworks Understand
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.0.612 x86|X64
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Scientific Toolworks, Inc
語言: 英文

1、支持多語言:Ada, C, C++, C#, Java, FORTRAN, Delphi, Jovial, and PL/M ,混合語言的project也支持
2、多平台: Windows/Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/IRIX/MAC OS X
5、可以對代碼生成多種圖(butterfly graph、call graph、called by graph、control flow graph、UML class graph等),在圖上點擊節點可以跳轉到對應的源代碼位置。
6、提供Perl API便於擴展。作圖全部是用Perl插件實現的,直接讀取分析好的數據庫作圖。
小技巧 :
修改默認字體:Tools - Options - Editor - Default style
修改顏色: Tools - Options - Editor - Styles
然後重新運行,執行 project- project graphical views - xxxx可以生成這兩種圖。
直接修改對應的腳本文件(\Program Files\STI\conf\scripts目錄下),在do_load( )函數的對應位置加入如下的設置:
$graph- default( fontname , Consolas , node );
$graph- default( fontsize , 10 , node );
$graph- default( fontname , Consolas , edge );
$graph- default( fontsize , 10 , edge );
注意:有的腳本中的作圖變量名不是 $graph 而是 $g。


Standard Metrics
We've noticed that some basic metrics are more useful to engineers then others, such as number of lines of code, number of classes etc. while other metrics are usually more helpful for management and code analysis. Though which metrics are displayed depends on what languages are being analyzed, here is a partial list of what you can expect:
Basic Metrics
Class Count
File Count
Function Count
Line Count
Blank Line Count
Code Line Count
Comment Line Count
Inactive Line Count
Declarative Statement Count
Executable Statement Count
Ratio Comment to Code
Advanced Metrics (Partial list)
Cyclomatic Complexity
Class Coupling
Percent Lack of Cohesion
Path Count
Max Inheritance
Base Class Count
Inherited Class Count
Number of Instance Methods
Weighted Methods per Class

  LineZer0! ²   ² ² 
²²² ²     ² ²²  ² ²±
±²²   ²   ²²²² ²²²
² ² ²  ² ² ²²
² ²² ² ²  ²²² ² ²
²² ²² ²  ²²² ²² ² ²
²  ²²² ² ²²²  ²² ±² ²²±
² ²  ²²² ²²² ²²±
² ±² ² ²² ²²²²± ± ²
  ² ²°²  ² ² ²²² ² ±  ²²  
² ² ²²    ² ²²  ²  ² ²
 ²² ² ²²²² ²   ² ² ²² 
²² ²²²  ²  ² ² ²²² ²²± ²²
  ²²² ² ²²²  ²²²  
cpN²²² ±² ²²±±²²²²²°² ²± ²²²cRo
²² ±²²²²² ²²² ²²²²²²²± ²²
²²²² ±±²²²²²  ² ²² ²² ²²²²²±± ²²²²
² ²² ²²²² ²² presents ² ²±²² ²² ²
²² ² ²²  ² ² ²²
²² ²²± ²  ²  ² ±²² ²²
²² °°     °° ²²
² ²
² Understand v3.0.612 ²
     
²²² Release Date : 2012-05-11 ²²²
²² Nfo Date : 2012-05-11 ²²
²² ² ² ²²
²  Num. Disks : xx/13 OS : X64  ²
²  Nfo Time : 13:37 Rel Type : Serial  ²
²  Cracker : Team Lz0 Archive : lz0*.rar  ²
²  Packer : Team Lz0 Rating : Your choice  ²
²  Supplier : Team Lz0 Language : -  ²
²  Protection : N/A  ²
²   ²
²  Requirements : N/A  ²
²  : Always use a firewall.  ²
²  Publisher URL : http://www.scitools.com/  ²
²  Publisher : Scientific Toolworks  ²
²   ²
²  (-) Keyfile / License (-) Emulator  ²
²  (-) Patch (x) Serial  ²
²  (-) Cracked .EXE / .DLL (-) Retail  ²
²  (-) Keygen (-) Trainer  ²
²  ² (-) Loader (-) Other ²  ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
²² ²  1999 - 2012  ² ²²
² ²²  °°° °°°  ²² ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + I N F O + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the  ²
²  code it analyzes. These metrics can be extracted automatically  ²
²  via command line calls, exported to spreadsheets, viewed  ²
²  graphically, dynamically explored in the GUI, or customized via  ²
²  the Understand Perl API. They can also be reported at the  ²
²  project level, for files, classes, functions or user defined  ²
²  architectures. Most of the metrics in Understand can be  ²
²  categorized in the following groups:  ²
²  Tree Graph  ²
²   ²
²  *Complexity Metrics (e.g. McCabe Cyclomatic)  ²
²  *Volume Metrics (e.g Lines of Code)  ²
²  *Object Oriented (e.g. Coupling Between Object Classes)  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²²+ N O T I C E ! +²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²   ²
²  Important information for site operators and other groups. By the  ²
²  first of April 2012 we will change our packaging ways to RAR/SFV  ²
²  and put the old ZIP/RAR/DIZ packaging to rest. It is long overdue,  ²
²  and this ancient way of packing has no meaning in 2012. We  ²
²  strongly encourage all other groups to do the same - and site  ²
²  operators, all you need to do is to add the 0DAY path to the  ²
²  SFV path of your setup, and your site will during the transition  ²
²  period do fine with both packaging standards. It's time to  ²
²  move forward.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²²+ I N S T A L L +²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  1) Unpack and install.  ²
²  2) Use supplied serial to register.  ²
²  3) Enjoy this release!  ²
²   ²
²  NOTE: For obvious reasons you should always make sure that  ²
²  the title is restricted access to internet by a firewall  ²
²  to avoid any problems. Further, when running our  ²
²  keygens/patches you might need to run it with admin  ²
²  rights while in Vista/Win7 to ensure that it has  ²
²  enough privileges.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + J O I N + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  So you are interested in joining one of the most successful  ²
²  groups of all time? Then you might want to continue reading.  ²
²  Not only can we offer whatever your heart might desire, but  ²
²  becoming part of the group will also be one of the more  ²
²  significant decisions you perhaps will take.  ²
²   ²
²  Ever since our beginning in 1999 we’ve strived to make a group  ²
²  that not only is a group of knowledge, but a gathering of  ²
²  people that wants friendship, devotion, respect and fun. Hard  ²
²  work is what has brought us where we are today, and hard work  ²
²  is also what we would expect from you.  ²
²   ²
²  Given the amount of hours we all put into this every day, we  ²
²  like to see our self as a secondary family. We strive to take  ²
²  care of each other and thus – mutual respect is the essence of  ²
²  our group. We never pushed for being elite, as we do not believe  ²
²  that any of us deserve the mark of the elitists. Every member  ²
²  of our group is taught to honor the next guy or gal with the  ²
²  same respect as he or her demands for themselves. The same  ²
²  thought applies to how we look at other groups.  ²
²   ²
²  Are you ready to become part of a family? Do you think you have  ²
²  what it takes? Then now is the time to get up and contact us.  ²
²  Perhaps you will find a new road to follow with us. Open  ²
²  positions are as follows, but if you do feel you have something  ²
²  to contribute with but feel that it doesn’t match any of the  ²
²  open positions, then do contact us and let us be the judge  ²
²  of that.  ²
²   ²
²  CRACKERS  ²
²  Do you have a thrill to find solutions to various protection  ²
²  schemes? May it be unpacking, patching, finding algorithms  ²
²  or emulating? We’re always open for individuals that want to  ²
²  expand their knowledge in reversing. You are required to have  ²
²  some former knowledge in reversing as we do not tutor people  ²
²  from scratch. Former experience from other scene groups is  ²
²  good, but not a necessity. Unsure if you qualify? Contact us,  ²
²  and we’ll decide based on your qualities. Be prepared that  ²
²  we will demand examples of previous work.  ²
²   ²
²  CODERS  ²
²  You’re enthusiastic about coding, you love to optimize and  ²
²  integrate various projects; we always have projects ranging  ²
²  from smaller ones to large ones that are in need of attendance.  ²
²  If you are joining our family as a coder you will be appointed  ²
²  a variety of projects that will push you to do your best and  ²
²  will probably also serve as a great way of becoming an even  ²
²  greater coder. Projects are ranging from database integrations,  ²
²  IRC bots, and cracktros to tools and security oriented  ²
²  development. Examples of previous work will be required and  ²
²  experience beyond 2 years is also a requirement.  ²
²   ²
²  SUPPLIERS  ²
²  Do you have access to good titles? Perhaps you work as an  ²
²  engineer, network administrator, or by any other means can  ²
²  acquire the latest versions of what you have access to? Then  ²
²  feel free to contact us and let us know what you have. We do  ²
²  not focus on anything in particular and as such you will find  ²
²  that we do titles ranging from CAD/CAM to more common graphics,  ²
²  music and programming titles – as well as ordinary shareware  ²
²  titles. Contact us today and we will see if your titles are  ²
²  something we’d like to put some effort into.  ²
²   ²
²  SITES  ²
²  You’ve been running a dedicated and well supported site for  ²
²  more than 6 months, the site has grown some reputation and your  ²
²  staff as well as the chosen link location is security oriented.  ²
²  We do not accept sites that are running of rented boxes;  ²
²  neither do we accept sites located in United States of America,  ²
²  Germany or Austria. The speed of the site does not matter, what  ²
²  do matter is that it’s stable, it’s secure and above all – the  ²
²  entire site as well as crew is operating encrypted. You feel  ²
²  that this might be you? Then let us know today, and we will  ²
²  be getting back to you shortly.  ²
²   ²
²  BOX OPERATORS  ²
²  You have been running hosting services for years; either being  ²
²  BNC solutions or IRC daemons – or perhaps just have some boxes  ²
²  that you might think we can use. You’re an administrator of a  ²
²  network and have complete control over the box, the network  ²
²  area and access levels. If so, then you are someone we are  ²
²  interested to talk to. Keep in mind that we do not offer any  ²
²  boxes residing in the same countries as mentioned under “SITES”.  ²
²   ²
²  Remember, we all started out somewhere so do not keep yourself  ²
²  from contacting us thinking you aren’t good enough to help out,  ²
²  let us decide that.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + L E G A L + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  Our releases are made to make sure that the end-user is able  ²
²  to fully test a title before going into a purchase as well as  ²
²  give the end-user an opportunity to make backup copies of  ²
²  titles he or she already owns. Please do respect our stance  ²
²  on this and make sure that you buy the required licenses upon  ²
²  deciding to buy the product. Respect the software authors  ²
²  that have put time, money and effort into creating the title  ²
²  you now have in your hand.  ²
²   ²
²  1. You should only use this title for the period of time  ²
²  as you decide if this is the right product for you  ²
²  personally or for your business. Upon deciding  ²
²  that this is the product you are looking for then  ²
²  we encourage you to buy the necessary licenses.  ²
²   ²
²  2. If you already own this title then this release can be  ²
²  used as a substitute to the original disks for backup  ²
²  and archiving purposes. This is convenient if you  ²
²  own a large set of various titles that all require  ²
²  dongles to run and you keep on mixing up the dongles.  ²
²  Our releases have removed those checks and thus will  ²
²  be more convenient to use. Again, this should only  ²
²  be the case if you own the required licenses.  ²
²   ²
²  3. We do not wish for our releases to be widely spread  ²
²  across web boards, P2P networks and the like. While we  ²
²  do know that occurs we strongly urge people to not  ²
²  share these titles at such places.  ²
²   ²
²  4. The group is not involved with the spreading of the  ²
²  release, partial files or any of the cracks. The  ²
²  distribution of our releases are all done by third  ²
²  parties – and as such according to the laws of the  ²
²  countries where our members reside, it is not our  ²
²  responsibility what others decides to do with  ²
²  these releases.  ²
²   ²
²  5. You are NOT allowed to distribute our titles with the  ²
²  intent of earning money. This title is not yours to  ²
²  sell. We, as a group, do not participate in such  ²
²  actions and we plead to those that are thinking about  ²
²  selling pirated titles, reconsider – not only are you  ²
²  hurting us seeing our releases being abused, but above  ²
²  all – you are actually stealing profit from the  ²
²  software authors.  ²
²   ²
²  6. We do not take any responsibility of computer or data  ²
²  loss that may occur from using our releases. Keep in  ²
²  mind that you are using a third party solution that  ²
²  does not come from the original software authors.  ²
²  However we strive to make perfect releases so the  ²
²  chances of something like that happening are slim.  ²
²   ²
²  7. The usage of our cracks is legal in most countries  ²
²  outside of the United States, if and only if you own a  ²
²  complete copy of the program or game. But you are  ²
²  required to read the end user license agreements (EULAs)  ²
²  that comes with the various titles to be sure that you  ²
²  are not violating any agreements.  ²
²   ²
²  According to the DMCA ACT in the United States you have no  ²
²  rights to circumvent any copy protection. Keep this in mind  ²
²  as the penalties for doing so there are harder than if you  ²
²  stole the actual title from the self. Our base of operation  ²
²  however is not located in the states, and thus we are not  ²
²  bound by any of the legislations like “no electronic theft act”  ²
²  “digital millennium copyright act” or “the patriot act”. But  ²
²  you as a end-user might be, so be certain to read the EULAs  ²
²  that you agree to upon installing something to make sure  ²
²  you are not breaking any domestic laws.  ²
²   ²
²  Finally, we do encourage you to explore the open source  ²
²  community. In most cases you will find open and free software  ²
²  that does exactly what you need, and it won’t cost you  ²
²  anything. At the same time you can enjoy the feeling of  ²
²  doing something good, and support the open source community.  ²
²   ²
²  By using this release you agree to the statement written above,  ²
²  and accept that the responsibility to whet ever the usage of  ²
²  this title is legal or not is with you and you only. Make sure  ²
²  that you understand the potential risks of using this release.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + G R E E T S + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
² ²  CHEMiCAL REACTiON (CRO)  ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²²+ C O N T A C T +²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  If you want to contact the group either for a open membership  ²
²  position, for a site offer or just want to let us know that  ²
²  some release might be flawed, then we welcome your response.  ²
²  However we do not send out releases, files from releases,  ²
²  cracks or information to where you might find this. For quick  ²
²  response you might want to search for us online, if you can  ²
²  manage to wait then send us an email on the address below.  ²
²   ²
²  ² EMAIL : [email protected] ²  ²
² ²  UPDATED : 4th of November 2011   ²
²²     ²²
²     ²
²  ²  ²  ²
  ²    ²  
² ²²²  °°°      °°°  ²²² ²
² ² ² °±± ²²  ²² ±±° ² ² ²
  ² ±²²   ²²± ²  
 ²²²²²²   ²²²²²² 
²²² ascii proudly done ²²²²
²² by cpN of cRo ²²
²²  in 2oo6  ²²
 ²   ² 
²² ²     ² ²²
²²² ² ²²²
²  ²


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