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《通用音色編輯軟件》(SoundQuest MidiQuest XL)v10.0.5/x86+x64/含注冊碼[壓縮包]
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《通用音色編輯軟件》(SoundQuest MidiQuest XL)v10.0.5/x86+x64/含注冊碼[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 通用音色編輯軟件 英文名 : SoundQuest MidiQuest XL 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v10.0.5/x86+x64/含注冊碼 發行時間 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型: 軟件>多媒體類 軟件性質: 破解軟件 操作系統: Windows 應用平台: Windows 7/Vista/X
"《通用音色編輯軟件》(SoundQuest MidiQuest XL)v10.0.5/x86+x64/含注冊碼[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 通用音色編輯軟件
英文名: SoundQuest MidiQuest XL
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v10.0.5/x86+x64/含注冊碼
發行時間: 2010年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

應用平台:Windows 7/Vista/XP & x64
問題反饋: http://www.squest.com/Windows/Mq_faq.html
網站鏈接: http://www.squest.com/

1) Unzip, Unrar
2) Launch required Installer from x86/x64 dir
3) Register with Serial: XL7777
4) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!
Midi Quest是一款可以讓你編輯、保存以及管理工作室設備參數數據的應用型程序,當然是在讓人一目了然的計算機屏幕上。該產品擁有最為豐富的編輯器/管理庫功能,它是一種通用程序,可以操作歷史上所制造的幾乎全部MIDI樂器與器材——現在完全支持的就有600多3樂器,其中的經典產品包括從Roland D-50到YAMAHA DX7以及SPX90等,再到最新開發的合成器與效果器產品。
Sound Quest Midi Quest XL 是一款通用的音色編輯軟件.這個軟件是通過使用不同種類合成器的“格式庫”來達到編輯此種合成器音色的目的!MIDI Quest 非一般普通的音樂軟件,而是專門用來修改各種 MIDI音源器( SoundModule )和合成器(Synthesizer)的聲音效果參數的軟件。我們稱這類軟件件為Librarian / Editor(即管理員/編輯的意思)。相信不少讀者也是第一次知道有這樣的一類軟件的存在罷!這類軟件的功能主要是因應不同牌子的音源器和合成器,以不同的System Exclusive Message來把音源器和合成器內的資料和參數,下載(Load)到電腦內。然後以各種簡單易明的圖像,把資料顯示出來給我們修改。這樣,用家便可毋須花時間來研究和學習各種復雜的SystemExclusiveMessage,便可修改音源器和合成器內各樂器的聲音效果參數了。修改完畢後,把資料輸回(Send)音源器和合成器內便可改變其音效和其他功能,簡單方便。

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±° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°±
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SIZE ......: 11 * 4,77MB
DATE ......: 05/2010
URL........: http://www.squest.com/

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Congratulations! You're using hardware synths. You know something that many
musicians have forgotten. Whatever the reason, hardware synths and effects
simply sound better and are more reliable than plug-ins.

In an Integrated world...

Software synths and effects do have some great advantages. They work right
inside your sequencer; you can easily store and access all of your sounds
on the computer; and if you want, you can automate changes to your sounds
while your sequence plays. All you have to do is twist the knobs of your
soft-synth to record the changes.

Welcome to the world of Midi Quest 10 XL. With Midi Quest 10 XL, all of
those great features that you have for your soft-synths are now available
for your hardware synths and effects. Imagine being able to integrate all
of your MIDI hardware into your digital audio sequencer and using it the
same way you use your soft-synths. With Midi Quest XL, you can.

Midi Quest XL features its own VST, Studio Connections, and MFX plug-in
versions that integrate virtual versions of your hardware into your
sequencer. Your MIDI synthesizer or effect unit still creates all of the
sound but you create a virtual version of the instrument's interface and
integrate it right into your sequencer. After installation, you can
audition sounds, organize a bank, edit a patch, record sound changes into a
sequence, or do just about anything else that you would do with a soft
-synth. You get all of the advantages of working on the computer without
sacrificing that great hardware sound. Everything is handled from the
comfort of your computer screen and in the digital audio sequencer of your
choice. When you're done, all of your settings are saved with your song for
immediate recall, just like a soft-synth.

Not only does Midi Quest XL make it easier to use your synth or effect
hardware within your studio and sequencer software. Midi Quest XL makes it
easier, much easier, to work with your MIDI hardware.


x64 version of Midi Quest XL

x64 versions of Midi Quest XL plug-ins (VST, MFX, Studio Connections)

New plug-in versions of Midi Quest XL

Instrument specific VST plug-in modules

Instrument specific MFX plug-in modules

Full support for the new Yamaha Studio Connections plug-in standard
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² ² ² ± ² ²² ± ±
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1) Unzip, Unrar

2) Launch required Installer from x86/x64 dir

3) Register with Serial: XL7777

4) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!
   
² ² ± ± ² ² ²
   ±  
 nFO bY ThE AiRBEARS 2010


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