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《媒體播放器音效外掛軟件》(DFX Audio Enhancer)v11.109[壓縮包]
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《媒體播放器音效外掛軟件》(DFX Audio Enhancer)v11.109[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 媒體播放器音效外掛軟件 英文名 : DFX Audio Enhancer 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v11.109 發行時間 : 2013年 制作發行 : FXsound 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>多媒體類 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:Windows
"《媒體播放器音效外掛軟件》(DFX Audio Enhancer)v11.109[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 媒體播放器音效外掛軟件
英文名: DFX Audio Enhancer
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v11.109
發行時間: 2013年
制作發行: FXsound
語言: 英文

應用平台:Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows Vista
Windows XP
著名的音頻播放插件。可以顯著地增強數字音頻的播放效果。包含:3D環繞音響、超重低音、立體聲音場、高保真還原、動態增強、為耳機優化、音譜分析器、音樂和語音模式、可定制的皮膚、可定制的音樂預設。分別是Yahoo! Music Jukebox、J River MediaJukeBox、MusicMatch JukeBox、RealPlayer和RealOne、Winamp以及Windows Media Player的版本。
  DFX 是一個媒體播放器專用的音效 Plug-In 外掛軟件。DFX 有對 MP3 聲音文件糾錯、和聲復原,立體聲增強,3D 環繞,重低音增強等功效。安裝它之後便可具有 3D 環繞音場效果。安裝之後只要設定好便可讓播放器播放的 MP3 或 WMA 時的聲音具有 3D 環繞音場效果。
  DFX是音頻效果插件的佼佼者。作為一個專業的DSP音頻效果插件,它特別是在低音部分和空間感改善了很多。DFX 是 Power Technology 公司出品最新版的軟件。
  1、高保真 它是用重建和放置高頻和聲來實現的。它可以去除由於MP3編碼本身所產生的錯誤波形,以提高音質,但設置不當也會影響到MP3的回放質量。合理設置可以讓聲音變得相對清晰透徹,但設置的數值太大會使聲音發飙。一般設定值可根據MP3的傳輸速率決定,速率低時,其數值設定應該小一些 。
  2、環境音效 說白了就是回聲。它的設定根據個人喜好來定,如果你喜歡那種演唱會的氣氛,就往上調吧,不過數值太大會覺得沒有層次感。
  3、3D環繞音效 3D效果不用我多說了吧。注意,數值調得過大會覺得缺乏定位感。
  4、動態推進 這個選項會給音頻附加額外的響度,它會使MP3聽上去渾厚有力,更像CD。
  5、超重低音 這個選項是給你的聲音附加低頻補償,效果不錯。但數值設置過高的話,會使聲音渾濁不清。


DFX Audio Enhancer boosts the sound quality of all of your music, videos, Internet radio, games, and other programs. Simply turn on DFX and be immersed in HD quality sound.
DFX Audio Enhancer screenshot DFX Audio Enhancer mini-mode screenshot
● 3D Surround Sound Immerse yourself inside the music
● Booming HyperBass Produce deeper, richer bass
● Stereo Ambience Renew lost stereo depth and body
● High Fidelity Restoration Eliminate that “muffled” sound
● Dynamic Audio Boost Pump up the volume to new heights
● Spectrum Analyzer “See” DFX enhance your sound
● Headphones Optimization Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones
● Multiple Processing Modes Optimize sound quality for music, speech and other audio types
● Customizable Audio Presets Select from many factory-tuned settings or create your own
● Preset to Song Association Get the perfect sound for each song you play
DFX dramatically improves the sound quality of your favorite programs and websites with 3D Surround, higher fidelity, booming bass and more, providing exceptional playback quality on your PC. The latest version also includes the Explore music discovery feature, which helps you find new music, artist videos, song lyrics, similar artists, and more. Learn more about DFX features below:
↓ Easy To Use and Customizable
↓ Advanced DSP Sound Quality Enhancement
↓ Enhances All PC Audio Playback With System-wide HD Quality Sound New!
↓ Enhances YouTube, Pandora, Netflix, and All Music and Video Sites Improved
↓ Enhances iTunes, Spotify, VLC, QuickTime, and All Media Players Improved
↓ Explore: Find Music Videos, Lyrics, Similar Artists, Artist Bio and News
↓ Speakers and Headphones Optimization
↓ Finely-tuned Music Presets
↓ Dynamic Sound Spectrum Analyzer
↓ Powerful Audio Processing Modes
↓ Efficient Performance Using Minimal CPU
↓ Stylish, Shapely Skins Updated
↓ Space Saving Mini-mode Interface Updated
↓ Presets Backup and Restore
↓ Preset Song Associations
↓ 5.1/7.1 Surround Sound Support
↓ 64-Bit Windows Support Improved

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Installation Instructions:
- Install program.
- Copy content from crack folder and paste into default installation directory.
- Done, Enjoy.


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