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《飛行模擬軟件》(X-Plane )10 Community Edition incl Global Scenery[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《飛行模擬軟件》(X-Plane )10 Community Edition incl Global Scenery[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 飛行模擬軟件 英文名 : X-Plane 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : 10 Community Edition incl Global Scenery 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : Austin Meyer 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 按照官方的說法,X-Plane是世界上最全面和最強大的個人電腦上的飛行模擬軟件,可以提供最真實的飛行模式享受
"《飛行模擬軟件》(X-Plane )10 Community Edition incl Global Scenery[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 飛行模擬軟件
英文名: X-Plane
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 10 Community Edition incl Global Scenery
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Austin Meyer
語言: 英文

按照官方的說法,X-Plane是世界上最全面和最強大的個人電腦上的飛行模擬軟件,可以提供最真實的飛行模式享受。X-Plane不是一個游戲,它沒有一關一關的難題要你去攻克,用這個軟件你只要做一件事,就是體驗飛行駕駛。因為X-Plane就是一個程序工具,能夠模擬和預測飛行器特性達到令人難以置信的精度。X-Plane 10是這套飛行模擬軟件的最新版本,它包括8張DVD光盤,提供了全世界的地形圖。
X-plane一直是開發商Austin Meyer精心制作的力作。《X-Plane》是高端的賣給飛機設計公司用於測試的商業飛行模擬軟件(其標價為 200美元)如果你想駕駛一架真正的戰機而又確實買不起也沒有條件開飛機的話,那麼X-Plane也許是你最好的選擇!地圖功能非常詳細,包含了扇區航圖,紋理圖形,低空航路,高空航路等。

X-Plane is the world’s most comprehensive and powerful flight simulator for personal computers, and it offers the most realistic flight model available.
X-Plane is not a game, but an engineering tool that can be used to predict the flying qualities of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft with incredible accuracy.
Because X-Plane predicts the performance and handling of almost any aircraft, it is a great tool for pilots to keep up their currency in a simulator that flies like the real plane, for engineers to predict how a new airplane will fly, and for aviation enthusiasts to explore the world of aircraft flight dynamics.
- Many high-quality aircraft models with detailed 3-D cockpits
- A brand new system for auto-generating plausible scenery for the entire world
- A new, highly-detailed cloud and weather rendering system
- A flight model with improved accuracy and even greater power,
- A completely redone ATC and AI Aircraft system
- The ability to more fully utilize multi-core CPUs for enhanced realism


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X-Plane 10 Community Edition incl. Global Scenery
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Release Date..: 2012-01-14 Release Size..: 9xDVD9
Genre/Type....: Flight Simulator Price.........: 60 Euro
Protection....: Size Languages.....: Multi
Version.......: 10.02r1 Systems.......: Win+Mac+Linux
Url...........: http://www.x-plane.com
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X-Plane 10 is the latest version of a nearly 20 year series of high
realistic simulators. At its core is a virtual wind tunnel that creates
the most realistic flight modeling available on a desktop. As all versions
before it is an incredible flexible and extendable simulator. With
thousands of compatible add-on`s there is no kind of flying craft that is
not simulated and a whole world to explore.
This retail version includes the fixed installers. The Community Edition
includes high detailed scenery for NICE (LFMN), Paderborn-Lippstadt (EDLP)
and Faro (LPFR) on last dvd.
Looking for:
* You, if you bought some simulaton addon
* Private location affilsites
_) ADDONiA? (_
(_Who's that?!_)
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===\ oO / ADDONiA - ENHANCiNG YOUR GAMES \ Oo /===
===/_ ._\========================================================/_. _\===
\/ (c)sDW\mNz \/



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