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《流式細胞分析軟件》(TreeStar.FlowJo)v7.6[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 流式細胞分析軟件 英文名 : TreeStar.FlowJo 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v7.6 發行時間 : 2009年07月13日 制作發行 : TreeStar 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 官方網站 http://www.flowjo.com/index.html Flowjo是一款流式細胞分析軟件。 特點:1、省時,批量分
中文名: 流式細胞分析軟件
英文名: TreeStar.FlowJo
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v7.6
發行時間: 2009年07月13日
制作發行: TreeStar
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

官方網站 http://www.flowjo.com/index.html
. fixed bug in formula test validity
. fixed indexing bug stopping last formula from being calculated
. fixed gate annotation drawing in correct color
. fix problems moving gates above proliferation nodes while prolif is in LE but platform window not open
. histogram range gate moving bifurcated gate instead of the range gate when both are present
. LE text trait name changed to "Gates" not "Gate" or "Graph"
. compensation problems for users with exotic locales
. non standard emitted xml, allow our gatingML files to be read by new R parser
histogram resets to Auto
. loss of child gates when group-owned dragged to All Samples
. Hide Column in Table Editor (removed redundant flag)
. right-click layouts, you can "autobatch-on"
. save in print does not save in current
. NPE caught when canceling print from workspace
. adding samples to a template, change it to a workspace
. fix mouse tracker display
. fix kinetics node parent when dragged to group
. export of a file, CSV is selected by default changed to FCS file and the extension maintains a csv extension
. pref lookup in wrong element
. Hide column in TE, not responding
. warn user that FlowJo could not be started because another program is using it's listening port
. save and restore the print layout info in the Layout
NPE in createQueries
. fixed Population button enabling to work with 1 dependent
. DialogFooter is reformatting and typed collections
. fixed statistics on 2nd level gates not updating when a synchronized group owned gate above it is moved
. have platforms be updated by their parents when gates are moved
offset for axis clipping
. changed logic in TableData to not put header info in row 0
. Excel, CVS, Tab, HTML tables all have new header row generated
. removed Save button from print dialog
. repositioned the popup to come up under the field
. don't ask to save if user quits from LicenseInfoDialog
. improved testValidity to warn user if info is incomplete
. better selection of population names in table editor statistic addition
. new authorization code to plug hole in offline log file

首先:選中下載好後的壓縮包 - 右鍵解壓到一個文件夾
然後:選中此文件夾下的所有壓縮包 右鍵選擇解壓到一個文件夾中 這樣又得到一個新文件夾。
最後:打開這個文件夾 我們又可以看到幾個壓縮包 再把此文件夾下的所有壓縮包選中並解壓到一個新文件夾


²  
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   ²²  
    ²  
 ² ²  
 °°°° ²² °°°°° ²  °°°°°  °°°°° 
 ²²   
   ²  ² 
   ²    
 sQz² 
 
 FlowJo v7.6 © Tree Star 
 
² ִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ ִִ ²
± Disks: 14 x 5mb Date : April 21, 2010 ±
° OS : Windows °
   
² Release Description:
± ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FlowJo software reads flow cytometry data and facilitates complex data
analysis in a graphically intuitive way.
FlowJo is the Swiss army knife of Flow Cytometric analysis programs.
It contains tools for all of the jobs you need to easily and efficiently
perform any type of data analysis from start to finish.
   
 Installation:
² """""""""""""""
± Just unpack&install. Unrar crack.rar to installdir/jars.
   
 Greetz:
² """""""""""""""
   
 Contact Us:
² """""""""""""""
   



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