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《科學繪圖軟件》(OriginLab OriginPro)v8.5.1.SR2[壓縮包]
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資源類別 行業軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《科學繪圖軟件》(OriginLab OriginPro)v8.5.1.SR2[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 科學繪圖軟件 英文名 : OriginLab OriginPro 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v8.5.1.SR2 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : OriginLab Corporation 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Origin是美國OriginLab公司推出的數據分析和制圖軟件,是公認的簡單易學、操作靈活、功能強大的軟件,既可以滿足一般用
"《科學繪圖軟件》(OriginLab OriginPro)v8.5.1.SR2[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 科學繪圖軟件
英文名: OriginLab OriginPro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v8.5.1.SR2
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: OriginLab Corporation
語言: 英文

Origin是美國OriginLab公司(其前身為Microcal公司)開發的圖形可視化和數據分析軟件,是科研人員和工程師常用的高級數據分析和制圖工具。自1991年問世以來,由於其操作簡便,功能開放,很快就成為國際流行的分析軟件之一,是公認的快速、靈活、易學的工程制圖軟件。在國內,其使用范圍也越來越廣泛,當前流行的圖形可視化和數據分析軟件有Matlab,Mathmatica和Maple等。這些軟件功能強大,可滿足科技工作中的許多需要,但使用這些軟件需要一定的計算機編程知識和矩陣知識,並熟悉其中大量的函數和命令。而使用Origin 就像使用Excel和Word那樣簡單,只需點擊鼠標,選擇菜單命令就可以完成大部分工作,獲得滿意的結果。 像Excel和Word一樣,Origin是個多文檔界面應用程序。它將所有工作都保存在Project(*.OPJ)文件中。該文件可以包含多個子窗口,如Worksheet,Graph,Matrix,Excel等。各子窗口之間是相互關聯的,可以實現數據的即時更新。子窗口可以隨Project文件一起存盤,也可以單獨存盤,以便其他程序調用。
Origin is a software application with tools for data analysis, publication-quality graphing, and programming.
Visit our Top Features page to find out what's new in the latest version.
Data Analysis
Origin contains powerful tools for all of your analytic needs, including peak analysis, curve fitting, statistics, and signal processing. To make data analysis more efficient, Origin supports many common formats for importing data, and exporting results. Multi-sheet workbooks and an integrated Project Explorer help you organize your Origin projects. Streamline your workflow by saving workbooks as analysis templates for repeat use.
With over 70 built-in graph types, Origin makes it easy to create and customize publication quality graphs to suit your needs. Many popular contour, 2D, and 3D graph types are supported, as are specialty graphs such as windrose, stock (OHLC), ternary (including ternary-contour), 2D vector and 3D vector, and several statistical plots.
Origin includes two built-in programming languages: Origin C, a C-based compiled language, and a scripting language called LabTalk™. Use them to automate graphing and analysis. Origin comes with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Code Builder , that makes it easy to write and debug your own code. Origin is also an Automation Server for users of VB, C++, C# and LabVIEW™.
New Features in Origin 8.5.1
Cluster Gadget
Quick Peaks
Statistics Gadget
Color Palette Improvements
New Layer Contents Dialog
Mean line option added to Box Chart
Bin number control added for Histogram plot
Error Bar Plot Improvements
Axis Tick Locations from Dataset
Improvements on Saving and Loading Incremental Graph Themes
Drop-down to control Substitution in Legend Text
New context menus for Layer Icon and Spline Line Types
Analysis & Statistics
Surface Fitting with Multiple Peaks
Improved Multiple Peak Fit Tool
NLFit Improvements: Michaelis-Menten Function, improvements to Parameters Tab and Find X/Y
Import & Export
SQL Editor for Database Import
Graph Export: Transparency Support for PDF and EPS formats
Data Import: New 3rd Party Formats, Custom Time formatting
Improved Context Menu for Column Label Rows
Horizontal and Vertical Dividers to Split Worksheets
Stack Columns and Unstack Columns Improvements
Pivot Table Dialog Improvements
Define LabTalk Function in Before Formula Script in Set Values dialog

System Requirements
These system requirements apply to the most recent version of Origin or OriginPro.
Microsoft Windows® XP (32 and 64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows® Vista (32 and 64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows® 7 (32 and 64 Bit)
Intel®-based Mac® using virtualization software [read more]
1 GHz or higher Pentium-compatible processor
1024 Megabytes (MB) of RAM
500 MB of free hard disk space
DVD drive
To use HTML Help, Internet Explorer 4.01 or later required
* Note: Origin/OriginPro is a 32-bit application and thus limited to 2GB RAM.

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±‏ SINCE 2000 ‏±
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‏ E A T P R E S E N T S ‏
‏ ‏
   
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²²°²  RELEASE INFO  ²°²²
² ²   ² ²
  ² ²  
² ²   ² ²
²² ±‏ ‏± ²²
 ‏ ²   ² ‏ 
²²‏   ‏²²
±²²     ²²±
±² ² ‏ ‏ ² ²±
± ± ± ±
° ± ± °
° ± SUPPLIER ....: TEAM EAT ± °
 ± PROG TYPE ...: SCIENTIFIC ± 
 ° LANGUAGE ....: ENGLISH ° 
 RELEASE DATE.: 2011-08-12 
 ° ° 
 ° CRACKER ......: TEAM EAT ° 
 PROTECTION ...: FlexLM 
 
 FORMAT ......: ZIP/RAR 
 ARCHIVE NAME.: eato8g01.zip 
 No OF DISKS .: [XX/58] 
 
 REQUIREMENTS .: WinXP/Vista/Win7 
 PRICE ........: $1,500.00 
 WEBSITE.......: http://www.originlab.com 
 
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‏° °±‏
²² ²²
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² °²²° °²²° ²
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² ²
² ²
 ² ² 
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‏ ‏
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±²²   ²²±
²²°²  RELEASE NOTES  ²°²²
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² ²   ² ²
²² ±‏ ‏± ²²
 ‏ ²   ² ‏ 
²²‏   ‏²²
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°² ² ‏ ‏ ² ²°
° ² ² °
° ± ± °
° °
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 
 Origin 8.5 is the latest version of Origin - a 
 complete graphing and data analysis software package 
 that provides a suite of features catering to the 
 needs of scientists and engineers. 
 
 To ensure that Origin meets your data analysis 
 requirements, intuitive tools for advanced 
 statistics, regression, nonlinear curve fitting, 
 signal processing, image processing and peak 
 analysis are built-in. Since any analysis operation 
 can be set to automatically recalculate, you can 
 reuse your projects as templates for future work, 
 thereby simplifying your daily routine. 
 
 OriginPro offers all of the features of Origin plus 
 extended analysis tools in the areas of Peak 
 Fitting, Surface Fitting, Statistics, Signal 
 Processing, and Image Processing. With so much 
 analytical power, OriginPro is the software of 
 choice for those who want a single data analysis and 
 graphing solution. 
 
 Top new features in Origin 8.5 
 
 * Transparency support for most plot types from 
 scatter/bubble plots to 3D surfaces 
 * OLE container support for embedding equations into 
 graphs 
 * Waterfall plots greatly enhanced with Z-axis and 
 color map support 
 * 3D Graphing: multiple intersecting Surfaces, 
 surface color from another matrix, vectors, error 
 bars on symbols, error bars on surfaces, and drop 
 lines from symbol to surface 
 * Plot contour and surface graphs directly from a 
 worksheet without converting to matrix 
 * Google Maps style zooming and panning on graphs 
 * Image thumbnails for quick previews of multiple 
 matrix objects 
 * New Gadgets for regional statistics, 
 differentiation and interpolation 
 * Improved image profile tool 
 * Redesigned data information window 
 * Label customization for column/bar graphs, and a 
 flexible ternary scale 
 
 
 
‏° °±‏
²² ²²
²² ° ²²
 ²    
² ² ²² ² 
° ²² ±²± 
² °²²° °²²° ²
° ²° COMMENTS °² °
² ²
² ²
 ² ² 
   
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 Do NOT distribute this release outside of the scene 
 Keep the scene alive and secure! 
 
All good progs start as freeware,
then things get worse ...;-)
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²²°²  INSTALLATION NOTES  ²°²²
² ²   ² ²
  ² ²  
² ²   ² ²
² ²² ±‏ ‏± ²² ²
 ‏ ²   ² ‏ 
²²‏   ‏²²
±²²     ²²±
±² ² ‏ `TLB' ‏ ² ²±
± ± Try it, Like it, Buy it! ± ±
° ± ± °
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 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 Unpack and read install_info.txt for details. 
 That's all. Have fun using it!;-) 
 
 ___________________________________________________________________ 
 
 Always remember to block applications (or go off line) from calling 
 home 'during install'. Once installed, disable 'check for automatic 
 updates' option if available, so that you don't get it blacklisted. 
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‏° °±‏
²² ²²
²² ° ²²
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² ² ²² ² 
° ²² ±²± 
² °²²° °²²° ²
° ²° °² °
² ²
² ²
 ² ² 
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² ²
 
²   ²
² ‏²²   ²²‏ ²
  ² EAT CONTACT ²  
²²‏   ‏²²
±²²     ²²±
±² ² ‏ ‏ ² ²±
± ± ± ±
± ± ± ±
 ± ± 
±  ± ±  ±
±  ° EAT is a closed group. We would consider only: °  ±
±  ° °  ±
°  ° ‏ Excellent reverse-engineers °  °
° ° ‏ Experienced coders/scripters ° °
° ° ‏ Supplier of quality software who can do so on a ° °
 ° frequent basis (retail date not older then 6 months) ° 
 
 We do *NOT* want... 
 ‏ Distros, Shells, etc 
 ° ‏ Carders  security risk> 
 ° ‏ Couriers ° 
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 
‏° °±‏
²² ²²
²² ° ²²
 ²    
² ² ²² ² 
° ²² ±²± 
² °²²° °²²° ²
° ²° °² °
² ²
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 ² ² 
‏ ‏
   
±²²   ²²±
²²°²  EAT NEWS  ²°²²
² ²   ² ²
  ² ²  
² ²   ² ²
² ²² ±‏ ‏± ²² ²
 ‏ ²   ² ‏ 
²²‏   ‏²²
±²²     ²²±
±² ² ‏ ‏ ² ²±
± ± ± ±
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²² ²²
²² ° ²²
 ²    
² ² ²² ² 
° ²² ±²± 
²  ²²° °²² ²
°   °
‏ ‏
   
±²²   ²²±
²²°²  GREETINGS  ²°²²
² ²   ² ²
  ² ²  
² ²   ² ²
² ²² ±‏ ‏± ²² ²
 ‏ ²   ² ‏ 
²²‏   ‏²²
±²²     ²²±
±² ² ‏ ‏ ² ²±
± ± ± ±
° ± ± °
° °
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 All our friends out there ... 
 
 Respect goes out to the competition 
 and to those who keep the scene secure! 
 
 
 ²² 
 ² 
° ²±²²°°°°°²²±² °
° ±±²²°°°°°°°²²±± °
° ²²±²²°°°°°°°°°°°²²±²² °
°  ²±²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²±²  °
°  ²²²²±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±²²²²  °
°   ²²²²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²²²²  °
°  ± ²²²²±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±²²²²  °
° ²²²²±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±²²²²  °
 ²²²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²²² ± 
° ²²²²°°°°²²²²°°°°²²²² °
°² ²²²²°²²°²²²² ²°
°²²‏ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ‏²²°
 ‏ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ‏ 
 ±  ²²²²²²²°°°²²²²²²² ± 
‏  ± ²²²²²²²°°°²²²²²²²   ‏
±‏ ²± ²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ± ±² ‏±
±   ² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ²   ±
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° °  ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²  ° °
°    ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²    °
° ±   ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²   ± °
° ±   ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²   ± °
° °    ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²    ° °
° ²  ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²  ² °
° ²   ²²±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²±²²   ² °
  ±‏ ±²²²²²±±±±²²²²± ‏±  
°    ± ²±±²±²±²²²±²±±² ±   °
°  ±  ± ±±±±±±±²²±±±±±² ±   °
°   ° ±±±±±²²±±±± °   °
  ±±±±±±  
  ° ±± ° n0!
  °  °   
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°  °
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° ± ° ° °
 ° ש ש NFO LAST UPDATE ON 2009 ש ש ° 
 ° ° 
  
 ° ± ° 
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 



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