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《動態編程語言IDE》(ActiveState Komodo IDE )v7.0.0.68957 for Windows[壓縮包]
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資源類別 編程開發
發布時間 2017/7/17
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《動態編程語言IDE》(ActiveState Komodo IDE )v7.0.0.68957 for Windows[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 程序設
"《動態編程語言IDE》(ActiveState Komodo IDE )v7.0.0.68957 for Windows[壓縮包]"介紹


  • 程序設計/編程開發教程資料

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軟件類型:編程相關 -網絡編程
問題反饋: http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide
網站鏈接: http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide

編程開發工具。Komodo是一款支持多種動態編程語言的跨平台的IDE,它提供強大的工作空間用以編輯、調試和測試程序。支持Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl 和 XSLT。同時還具備版本控制CVS,支持正則表達式。

Komodo 是一個跨平台支持多種程序語言的Integrated Development Environment (IDE)軟件,目前他支持了在Windows與Linux上,Perl、Python及Javascript等的程序語言開發,以及多種程序語言語法不同顏色標注。


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Komodo IDE 7: What's New

Deploy to the Cloud with Stackato

Push your applications directly from Komodo IDE 7 to the cloud with integration with Stackato, ActiveState’s cloud platform for creating your private Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Launch the Stackato client interface from the Tools menu, and perform one-click deployment to the cloud. Databases are provisioned automatically.
Synchronize Multiple Workstations

Work on several operating systems and/or desktops? No problem. Komodo Sync lets you securely share your important data across multiple machines, including your toolbox items, key binding and color schemes, file and project templates, API catalogues, remote server accounts and preferences. Syncing occurs automatically and regularly after one-time setup.
Collaborate in Real Time (Truly the IDE for Teams!)

Speed up team programming: Komodo IDE 7 allows simultaneous editing with other users. Code Collaboration shares changes with other authorized Komodo IDE users in real time, with helpful highlights to identify what was added, what was removed, and who made the changes. Team coding and reviewing has never been more efficient.
Code Profiling for Better CPU Usage

Highlight code hotspots and detect performance issues faster. Code Profiling generates a graph of your application, showing you exactly where and how your program is spending CPU usage. Code Profiling in Komodo IDE supports Python (2.x and 3.x) and PHP (5.2 and higher), and can open stand-alone profiling results stored in Cachegrind/Callgrind and pstats formats.
More Languages and Frameworks (Node.js, CoffeeScript, LESS, SCSS, EJS, Mojolicious)

The development world (especially for the web) is moving fast and Komodo helps you keep up. Komodo IDE 7 has full support for Node.js (editing / syntax checking, code intelligence, debugging), and adds editing for CoffeeScript, LESS, SCSS, EJS and Mojolicious.
Enhanced Performance

Komodo is the killer IDE when it comes to speed and efficiency of your development work. Built on Mozilla 7.0 (the same codebase as Firefox 7) Komodo IDE 7 gives you a better user experience with less loading time. Enjoy faster start-up (no component registration), a better browser preview (with added support for the latest web technologies) and unmatched stability.
And More

Komodo IDE 7 supports all of the features, languages and functionality as past versions, and adds much more including syntax checking within multi-language documents, enhanced navigation and searching, and smarter auto-complete.

Komodo System Requirements
Windows XP or later
1GHz (or faster) x86 or x86_64 processor
250 MB hard disk space
350 MB of temporary hard disk space during installation



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