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《數字化資源管理》(Softimage Alienbrain V8.1)[光盤鏡像]
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《數字化資源管理》(Softimage Alienbrain V8.1)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 影視音
"《數字化資源管理》(Softimage Alienbrain V8.1)[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 影視音樂後期處理制作軟件與教程
  • 管理學
  • SOFTIMAGE教程/視頻教程/軟件

IPB Image

(from http://www.avid-china.com/products/product...etID=16)

引用 為創造性團隊打造數字化資源管理
屢獲獎項的Alienbrain Studio資源管理系統,使得創作團隊在開發過程中,可以安全穩定的對全部資源進行版本更新、監測和存儲。與傳統的資源管理系統不同,Alienbrain Studio針對的是成品資源的存儲。通過將直觀的版本操控、快捷的軟件結構管理、高效的工作流程以及與領先的2D 和 3D開發工具之間無縫的協作等諸多性能,充分融入穩定可靠的Alienbrain系統中,使得開發團隊可以高效快捷地創建更多資源。

Alienbrain Studio——數字娛樂和計算機圖像領域最佳的資源管理系統。 引用 Alienbrain is a digital asset management system for artists in the entertainment industry. It combines everything studios need to securely store, version, manage and share any kind of file, with an intuitive user interface that lets artists work visually.

Secure, scalable, and reliable, Alienbrain saves you time and takes the guesswork out of even the most demanding productions.

Alienbrain Server
Operating System:

Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Datacenter Edition (SP 1 or later)
Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, Datacenter Edition (SP 4 or later)
Windows NT 4 Server
Processor: Pentium-4 class CPU(s) or better
Memory: RAM and storage suited to project size

Native Client for Windows
Operating System:

Windows Vista
Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional (SP2 or later)
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Datacenter Edition
Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, Datacenter Edition
Windows NT 4 Workstation, NT 4 Server
Processor: Pentium-4 class CPU(s) or better
Memory: min. 256 MB RAM and min. 1GB free disk space

IPB Image



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