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《薪酬管理軟件》(ZPAY PayWindow Payroll Systems 2011)v9.0.29[壓縮包]
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資源類別 行業軟件
發布時間 2017/7/17
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《薪酬管理軟件》(ZPAY PayWindow Payroll Systems 2011)v9.0.29[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 管理學
"《薪酬管理軟件》(ZPAY PayWindow Payroll Systems 2011)v9.0.29[壓縮包]"介紹


  • 管理學

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軟件類型:軟件 → 行業軟件
應用平台:Windows 2003, XP, Vista and Windows 7
問題反饋: [email protected]
網站鏈接: http://www.zpay.com/payroll.htm

PayWindow 2010是一款薪酬管理軟件,是繼ZPAY, ZPAY 3 和 PayWindow之後的新產品,能夠為你節省寶貴的時間。

Celebrating over 25 years of creating payroll software, PayWindow 2011 follows a long line of easy to use payroll packages starting with ZPAY, then ZPAY 3 and PayWindow.

PayWindow will save you valuable time in preparing your payroll. What used to take you hours, will be cut down to minutes and you can be assured that your results will be accurate. No more pulling your hair out over tax table booklets and punching numbers into your calculator. We take all of the hassles and confusion out of payroll processing!

Starting with the easy to see exactly what happens view like below, when you click that Pay button. The calculations are seen right on the screen so you get a preview immediately on what is happening.

It's so easy to use that you don't have to have any accounting experience. In fact it's so easy that we sell through the Try-Before-You-Buy method of marketing known as Shareware and we want you to download and see for yourself before you buy it. Use the download link on the top menu to go to our download page.

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