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《ISO文件管理器》(Active@ ISO File Manager)v4.0/含注冊碼[壓縮包]
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《ISO文件管理器》(Active@ ISO File Manager)v4.0/含注冊碼[壓縮包] 簡介: 簡介: 引用使用注冊碼注冊,注冊前,請使用防火牆保持屏蔽程序訪問網絡。 Registration : see key.txt Note : As usual, block app with fw when registering!軟件類型:軟件 應用軟件 軟件性質:破解軟件 應用平台:Windows 操作系統:Windows 問題反饋: http://www.ntfs.com/faq
"《ISO文件管理器》(Active@ ISO File Manager)v4.0/含注冊碼[壓縮包]"介紹

Registration : see key.txt
Note : As usual, block app with fw when registering!軟件類型:軟件 應用軟件
問題反饋: http://www.ntfs.com/faq.htm
網站鏈接: http://www.ntfs.com/iso_file_manager.htm
Active@ ISO File Manager是一個ISO文件管理器,可以制作、編輯ISO文件。它使用方便,可以自動創建ISO文件,支持標准的ISO格式,支持CD-R、DVD- R、DVD+R、CD-RW、DVD-RW、DVD+RW和DVD-RW DL的刻錄。
Active@ ISO File Manager is an easy-to use software to author, edit and burn CD/DVD-ROM ISO images compatible with the ISO 9660 / Joliet standards. You can create ISO images from either existing CD/DVD-ROMs or from a set of existing files and folders.
* Create ISO file from CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
* Create ISO image file from set of files and folders
* Extract files from an ISO image file (open ISO file)
* Edit ISO image file
* Burn ISO image file to CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RW DL (Dual Layer), HD DVD and Blu-Ray Disc
Command line parameters are supported to automate the ISO authoring/burning process. In addition, it lets you to extract files from ISO images as well as edit ISO content and then re-assemble ISO images.
To simplify and automate the ISO image creation process - all parameters you entered are stored as user's settings. Next time you run the software - previous settings appear in the dialog.
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