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《結構方程模型分析軟件LISREL 8.5》(LISREL 8.5),應用軟件、資源下載
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《結構方程模型分析軟件LISREL 8.5》(LISREL 8.5),應用軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 結構方程模型分析軟件LISREL 8.5英文名: LISREL 8.5地區: 美國簡介: 已通過安全和安裝測試。 軟件版權歸原作者及原軟件公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版軟件 結構方程模型分析軟件 LISREL for Windows - A brief overview http://www.ssicentral.com/lisrel/index.html#lisrel Dur
"《結構方程模型分析軟件LISREL 8.5》(LISREL 8.5),應用軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 結構方程模型分析軟件LISREL 8.5英文名: LISREL 8.5地區: 美國簡介:
結構方程模型分析軟件 LISREL for Windows - A brief overview
During the last thirty years, the LISREL model, methods and software have become synonymous with structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM allows researchers in the social sciences, management sciences, behavioral sciences, biological sciences, educational sciences and other fields to empirically assess their theories. These theories are usually formulated as theoretical models for observed and latent (unobservable) variables. If data are collected for the observed variables of the theoretical model, the LISREL program can be used to fit the model to the data.
The 32-bit application LISREL is intended for:
Standard structural equation modeling
Multilevel structural equation modeling
These methods are available for the following data types:
Complete and incomplete complex survey data on continuous variables
Complete and incomplete simple random sample data on ordinal and continuous variables

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