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《十字繡軟件 PM4》(pattern maker for cross stitich),應用軟件、資源下載
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資源類別 應用軟件
發布時間 2017/7/12
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《十字繡軟件 PM4》(pattern maker for cross stitich),應用軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 十字繡軟件 PM4英文名: pattern maker for cross stitich發行時間: 2003年制作發行: HobbyWare地區: 美國簡介: [已通過安全檢測]金山毒霸2008 [病毒庫發布日期]2008-3 [已通過安裝測試]Windows XP Professional + Service Pack 2 共享服務時間:通常10:00 - 23:00 軟件版
"《十字繡軟件 PM4》(pattern maker for cross stitich),應用軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 十字繡軟件 PM4英文名: pattern maker for cross stitich發行時間: 2003年制作發行: HobbyWare地區: 美國簡介:
[已通過安裝測試]Windows XP Professional + Service Pack 2
共享服務時間:通常10:00 - 23:00
軟件版權歸原作者及原軟件公司所有 如果你喜歡 請購買正版軟件
包括破解和漢化包。解壓縮以後先安裝,然後用crack 文件夾裡的pmaker覆蓋原來的文件,即完成破解。如果需要漢化,再用另一個標有“漢化”字樣的pmaker再覆蓋一次就可以。
Pattern Maker is a Windows® application for the design of counted cross-stitch patterns. It is available in two levels: Standard and Professional.
The Standard version provides a feature set which is useful to the hobbyist. The Professional version includes additional features that are most useful to professional designers.
We also offer a Machine Embroidery add-on product that can be used to export a design from Pattern Maker into one of the common home machine embroidery formats. This add-on is available for both the Standard and Professional levels of the program.
Sample screen shot of the Professional version with ME add-on:
This sample shows two windows opened for the same design with one window displaying the design in the stitch view and the other window showing the symbolic view. The symbolic view shows the color-behind-symbol option enabled.

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