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《文本批量替換工具》(Replace Studio)Pro|Business Edition v7.10 Retail[壓縮包]
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資源類別 應用軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《文本批量替換工具》(Replace Studio)Pro|Business Edition v7.10 Retail[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 文本批量替換工具 英文名 : Replace Studio 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : Pro|Business Edition v7.10 Retail 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : Funduc Software. 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>應用軟件 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台: Wind
"《文本批量替換工具》(Replace Studio)Pro|Business Edition v7.10 Retail[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 文本批量替換工具
英文名: Replace Studio
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: Pro|Business Edition v7.10 Retail
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Funduc Software.
語言: 英文

應用平台: Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Separate 32-bit and x64 versions
問題反饋: http://dataresolve.com/support/
網站鏈接: http://www.funduc.com/replace_studio_pro.htm
Replace Studio軟件是一種實用工具,如果你想執行另一個字符串替換,Replace Studio軟件很容易通過基於文本的文件搜索,。
Replace Studio軟件可以搜索子目錄和ZIP文件。搜索可配置區分大小寫。
ZIP文件的替代品,可以做到動態 - 無需手動解壓縮zip文件。
Replace Studio中有一個“收藏夾”功能,讓您保存起來以供日後使用的常用搜索(或更換)。主窗口支持從資源管理器的“文件掩碼和路徑”字段拖動ñ下降,你可以在搜索結果列表中進入資源管理器或外部編輯器,支持拖放ñ下降中的文件拖動ñ下降。該方案還具有一個擴展,可以讓你搜索搜索一個或多個文件或整個文件夾在Windows資源管理器中右擊並選擇Replace Studio
Replace Studio Pro is the next generation windows grep utility by Funduc Software. Replace Studio Pro is a utility that easily searches through text-based files and, if you want, perform replacements with another string. Replace Studio Pro can search in subdirectories and ZIP files. Searching can be configured to be case sensitive or not, based on 'whole words' vs. partial words, and to ignore 'whitespace' or not. Complex file masks and file filters let you further specify which files to process. A built-in context viewer shows search results in the context of the found string. Optionally you can edit the original file directly using the context viewer or easily launch a viewer/editor of your choice. Replacements in ZIP files can be done on the fly - no need manually extract zip files first. Like our Search and Replace utility, Replace Studio Pro has an extensive repertoire of regular expression functions that let you search or replace using 'wild card' operators. Replace Studio Pro has a 'Favorites' function that lets you save commonly used searches (or replacements) for later use. The main window supports drag n drop from Explorer into the 'File Mask & Path' fields and you can drag n drop files in the Search Results list into Explorer or an external editor that supports drag n drop. The program also has an extension to let you search search one or more files or an entire folder by right clicking in Windows Explorer and selecting 'Replace Studio Pro...'.
Replace Studio Pro is intended for interactive use via the program graphical interface. If you need to do fixed operations on many files via command line scripts see Replace Studio Business Edition, which is oriented toward command line functionality via scripts.

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²²±±±±°°°°±±±°°°°°±±  ²²±±±²²±± ²²²±±
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² ²²±±± ± ²²±±±±±±± ²²±±°±± ²²²²²²²  ± ²
² ²²±±± ± ²²±±°±±±±°°±± ² ²²±±°±± ²²  
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²² ² ²²±±°°±±±± ²²±±°± ²²±°±±  ² ²²±±°±± ²²±°± °²
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²²²² ²²² ²²±±±± ²±² ²²±±°±²²±°±± ²²±±±±²²±±°°±± ²²±°± ²²²²²
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²²²   
² F.O.S.I. - P R E S E N T S
²° ±°
±² RLS DATE ..............: 21-Jul-2011 °
± RLS SiZE ..............: 01 * 5,00 MB ± ±²
²  RLS NAME ..............: fo-rs77p.zip ² °±
² °  ° ²
² ° ± PROTECTiON ............: N/A  ±° °
²²² ²° REQUiREMENTS ..........: Windows OS °² ²²±
 ± ² ± ±±² 
   ° ²± 
 ²° ±  ± 
°     
² ²  ° ±° ² ± ²
°²±±    DESCRiPTiON N' iNSTALLATiON     
Replace Studio Pro is a search & replace utility that allows you
to search for (and replace) a string in one or more files the path
you specify. The program is oriented towards text files but can
search any type of file. Search/replaces can use regular
expressions where searches are based on a pattern rather than
literal text. The program can search/replace in ZIP archives.
Search and replace operations can be case sensitive or not, they
can span multiple files via multiple file masks and filter
settings, and they can span multiple lines. Files that contain
search hits can be edited by hand using the internal Context
Viewer or, optionally, a user-configurable external viewer/editor.
Replacements can be viewed and confirmed 'in context' beforehand.
Multiple search-replace strings can be saved for later use as a
Favorite. Supplemental functions include search-replace the
Windows Clipboard contents, Drag n Drop, a File Operations
function, and a File Finder function.

Install fo-rs77p.exe at 32bit systems and fo-rs77p_64.exe at 64bit
²± °²
±  ± NFO LAST UPDATED ²° ² ±
± ±± ° ± 06-11-2004 ±  ° ²
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