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《攝影技術:鏡頭運用視頻教程》(Lynda.com Foundations of Photography Lenses)[光盤鏡像]
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《攝影技術:鏡頭運用視頻教程》(Lynda.com Foundations of Photography Lenses)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 攝影技術:鏡頭運用視頻教程 英文名 : Lynda.com Foundations of Photography Lenses 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2011年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介 Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時33分鐘的 攝影技術: 鏡頭 視頻教程。由Ben Long演示如何選擇
"《攝影技術:鏡頭運用視頻教程》(Lynda.com Foundations of Photography Lenses)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 攝影技術:鏡頭運用視頻教程
英文名: Lynda.com Foundations of Photography Lenses
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2011年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時33分鐘的 攝影技術: 鏡頭 視頻教程。由Ben Long演示如何選擇鏡頭與充分利用攝影師的創意選項。本教程涵蓋了適用於任何相機的基本概念,比如鏡頭的焦距和攝影機的位置。如何評估和購買單反鏡頭,以及檢查各種過濾器,清洗和鏡片的保養。教程後半小時著重講述了拍攝技巧:控制自動對焦,使用不同焦距,調整失真和閃光等。
Many of the creative options available to a photographer hinge on an in-depth understanding of lenses. In Foundations of Photography: Lenses, Ben Long shows how to choose lenses and take full advantage of their creative options. The course covers fundamental concepts that apply to any camera, such as focal length and camera position, and shows how to evaluate and shop for DSLR lenses. The second half of the course focuses on shooting techniques: controlling autofocus, working with different focal lengths, and managing distortion and flare. The course also examines various filters and contains tips on cleaning and maintaining lenses.
Topics include:
* Understanding field of view and camera position
* Depth of field and lens choice
* How to choose a lens
* Examining lens features
* Using specialized lenses such as fisheye and tilt/shift lenses
* Focusing techniques
* Using filters
* Camera maintenance

1. Introduction
Welcome 01:23
Who is this course for? 01:34
Why does the lens matter? 02:36
Changing lenses 03:43
A word about camera brands 01:53
15:32 2. What Is a Lens?
What is a lens? 03:51
Field of view 02:36
Image sensors and field of view 01:21
Focal length multipliers 05:42
Primes and zooms 02:02
24:34 3. Focal Length, Camera Position, and Composition
Focal length, camera position, and composition 04:01
Exercise: Taking ugly self-portraits 03:23
Shooting wide 07:02
Shooting telephoto 08:09
Focal length applications 01:59
12:41 4. Depth of Field
Depth of field (DOF) 05:02
DOF and sensor size 01:50
DOF and background size 02:05
Deep DOF and diffraction artifacts 03:44
45:36 5. Choosing a Lens
Choosing a lens 07:11
Lenses for crop sensor cameras 04:25
Image quality 04:10
Lens features 06:42
Size and weight 06:31
Lens notes for Micro Four Thirds 07:06
Specialty lenses 05:09
Where to buy 02:54
Lens caps 01:28
26:22 6. Advanced Autofocus
Focus point selection 05:54
Center-point auto-focus 03:51
Servo focus 03:46
Focus troubleshooting: What to do when your auto-focus doesn't 02:03
Filters 05:46
Auto-focus and live view 05:02
17:10 7. Conclusion
Maintenance 14:40
Micro-focus adjustments 01:31
Goodbye 00:59

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Foundations of Photography Lenses
(c) Lynda.com
Supplier . : QUASAR Size ..... : 41 x 50MB
Cracker .. : QUASAR Protection : Condom
Packager . : QUASAR Type ..... : Brain Enhancement
Date ..... : 02-15-2011 OS ....... : Win/Mac
Foundations of Photography Lenses
Author: Ben Long
Many of the creative options available to a photographer hinge
on an in-depth understanding of lenses. In Foundations of
Photography: Lenses, Ben Long shows how to choose lenses and
take full advantage of their creative options. The course
covers fundamental concepts that apply to any camera, such as
focal length and camera position, and shows how to evaluate and
shop for DSLR lenses. The second half of the course focuses on
shooting techniques: controlling autofocus, working with
different focal lengths, and managing distortion and flare.
The course also examines various filters and contains tips on
cleaning and maintaining lenses.
Topics include:
* Understanding field of view and camera position
* Depth of field and lens choice
* How to choose a lens
* Examining lens features
* Using specialized lenses such as fisheye and tilt/shift lenses
* Focusing techniques
* Using filters
* Camera maintenance
Unpack, burn or mount and enjoy.
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安圹圹圹圹圹圹圹舶 ?THE ALMIGHTY QUASAR ?2011 ?安圹圹圹圹圹圹圹舶

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