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《CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65認證考試教程》(CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65)[光盤鏡像]
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《CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65認證考試教程》(CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65認證考試教程 英文名 : CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Bobby Meador | 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介 CBT
"《CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65認證考試教程》(CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65認證考試教程
英文名: CBT Nuggets Check Point CCSE NGX II R65
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Bobby Meador |
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

CBT Nuggets出品的 Check Point CCSE NGX II R65認證考試培訓視頻教程.
教程時長:9小時 共16段教學視頻.
主講人:Bobby Meador
官網鏈接: http://www.cbtnuggets.com/series?id=564
系統管理員,檢查站的安全與支持部署經驗保安經理或網絡工程師們會喜歡這個系列教程. 該教程中Bobby Meador 演示了所有您需要知道你部署高可用性管理服務器;集群防火牆,以提供冗余和災難恢復,以及實現SSL與IPSEC的VPN技術..............
Systems administrators, Security Managers or Network Engineers with experience supporting Check Point security deployments will love this series.
Bobby Meador shows you everything you need to know as you deploy high availability management servers; cluster firewalls to provide redundancy and disaster recovery; and implement SSL & IPSEC VPN technologies.
This training maps to the Check Point CCSE exam.

What You'll Learn
Video 1: CCSE Welcome|20:59
Intro to the series to present why to go for CCSE and the benefits associated with obtaining this certification.
Video 2: Mgmt High Availability|28:05
This will present the student with the concept of deploying a backup Smart Center (Mgmt Server)
Video 3: HA Cluster|47:15
This will give the student the first must have skill set and that is clustering Check Point firewalls using an New mode HA multicast configuration.
Video 4: Load Sharing Clusters|22:40
This nugget will give the student the skills required to deploy load sharing clusters with unicast and multicast protocols.
Video 5: Smart Update & Local upgrades|29:14
This nugget will give the student the skills to upgrade local and remote Check Point firewall deployments.
Video 6: Cluster Trouble Shooting|36:16
This nugget will cover the process needed to perform health checks & ensure proper configuration of Check Point Firewalls.
Video 7: Encryption|41:53
This nugget will cover the process of what encryption protocols are needed to maintain confidentiality, Integrity and availability of data over VPN's
Video 8: Domain Based VPN|48:07
This nugget will cover the first and most common Check Point VPN using encryption domains.
Video 9: SSL VPN|44:02
This nugget will cover the deployment of an SSL remote access VPN using Check Point SSL Network Extender.
Video 10: Remote Access VPN (IKE)|42:54
This nugget will cover the deployment of a remote access VPN using Check Point secure client on Windows pc
Video 11: Route Based VPN (VTI)|47:51
This nugget will cover configuring point-to-point vpn using VTI. A VTI is an operating system level virtual interface that can be used as a gateway
Video 12: Peer VPN's|29:39
This nugget will cover the options need to setup a VPN with a peer company.
Video 13: SCP on Splat|16:52
This nugget will cover the most secure way of transferring files to and from your Check Point Secure Platform devices.
Video 14: Smart Center Recovery|59:43
This nugget will cover how to recover a Smart Center Mgmt server from a cpinfo or cpbackup file.
Video 15: Disaster Recovery of Cluster Member|29:26
This nugget will cover how to recover a cluster member that has suffered a failure while keeping the organization online.
Video 16: Final Note|33:49
In this final nugget we cover some study skills for CCSE prep and some housekeeping tips to maintain your Smart Center mgmt server.

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: CBT Nuggets - Check Point CCSE NGX II R65
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