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《EAT3D經典雕塑教程 : 數碼雕塑結構與造型藝術》(Classical Sculpting : Anatomy and Figurative Art for Digital Sculptors)[壓縮包]
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《EAT3D經典雕塑教程 : 數碼雕塑結構與造型藝術》(Classical Sculpting : Anatomy and Figurative Art for Digital Sculptors)[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : EAT3D經典雕塑教程 : 數碼雕塑結構與造型藝術 英文名 : Classical Sculpting : Anatomy and Figurative Art for Digital Sculptors 資源格式 : 壓縮包 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介: EAT3D出品的經典雕塑教程
"《EAT3D經典雕塑教程 : 數碼雕塑結構與造型藝術》(Classical Sculpting : Anatomy and Figurative Art for Digital Sculptors)[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: EAT3D經典雕塑教程 : 數碼雕塑結構與造型藝術
英文名: Classical Sculpting : Anatomy and Figurative Art for Digital Sculptors
資源格式: 壓縮包
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

EAT3D出品的經典雕塑教程 : 數碼雕塑結構與造型藝術.
在該教程中. 作者通過一個傳統的大理石雕塑的數碼雕塑與渲染過程介紹了如何使用精確的結構與動感的姿勢來創建一個專業與符合審美觀點的作品.
教程使用到的軟件有: Autodesk Mudbox 2009 Autodesk Maya 2009
In this lecture the instructor demonstrates the digital sculpting and rendering of a classical style marble sculpture, showing how accurate anatomy and a dynamic pose combine to produce a professional and aesthetically pleasing result.
In this novel approach to teaching anatomy, the instructor regularly overlays the model with anatomy images as he sculpts, which makes it easy to visualize how the underlying anatomy relates to the sculpted surface of the model.
Apps Uesd: Autodesk Mudbox 2009 Autodesk Maya 2009
Project Files: OBJ Files with the same base mesh used in the video so you can follow along. Maya file with final decimated mesh and render settings.

Takes a classical approach to figure sculpting 采用經典方法. 數字雕塑
Emphasises the critical importance of accurate anatomy for a professional result強調一個專業而准確的解剖
Shows how to create a narrative for your sculpt to give it energy 演示如何為您的造型加入思想啟迪
Illustrates muscle structures overlayed on the sculpted model for clarity雕刻結構模型
Demonstrates the importance of aesthetics the of anatomy as well as technique美學解剖學的重要性以及技術
Sets up a marble render using Maya to display your work

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