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《動畫徽標制作教程》(Lynda.com Start to Finish Big Spaceship Animated Logo)[ISO]
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《動畫徽標制作教程》(Lynda.com Start to Finish Big Spaceship Animated Logo)[ISO] 簡介: 中文名 : 動畫徽標制作教程 英文名 : Lynda.com Start to Finish Big Spaceship Animated Logo 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2008年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=661 類
"《動畫徽標制作教程》(Lynda.com Start to Finish Big Spaceship Animated Logo)[ISO]"介紹
中文名: 動畫徽標制作教程
英文名: Lynda.com Start to Finish Big Spaceship Animated Logo
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2008年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語

Lynda.com 出品和的 Big Spaceship 一起做動畫徽標教程,主講 Big Spaceship。
在教程當中,受歡迎的數碼機構 Big Spaceship 詳細的一步步講解創造一個動畫徽標。創作過程中,Big Spaceship 采用了歷史上普遍使用的設計風格,兼用傳統和數碼動畫技術。手工制作紙模型的關鍵點在於靜幀采集技術 (stop-motion technique),這需要使用數碼單反相機 (SLR,Single Lens Reflex) 來完成。
Start to Finish: Big Spaceship Animated Logo
with: Big Spaceship

Watch the step-by-step process as acclaimed digital agency Big Spaceship produces an animated logo. To create the logo, Big Spaceship draws on historical broadcast design styles as well as traditional and digital animation techniques. Handmade paper models are shot with a stop-motion technique using a digital SLR camera. Smoke effects are used to add atmosphere, clouds, and the smoke trail for a paper rocket ship shot with a still camera and moved through the scene with digital effects. It's a perfect blend of spontaneous organic play and digital discipline. The end result is a rich eruption of visual fun--and a great animated logo.

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槽鄄 圹圹圹郯 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹哌
臂鄄 敗 圹鄄圹郯 圹郯圹哌哌哌咣鄄哌哌哌哌圹鄄圹哌哌哌咣圻圹圻哌咣圹?
圹圮 槽苒圹佰圹? 圹郯圹郯 槽郯 苘荥 圹郯圹舶 佰圹 槽? 圹郯
咣圹圹圹圹?圹鄄? 苒圹 圹? 咣?圹? 佰鄄 圹? 槽?槽? 槽鄄
哌膊佰圹?咣圹圹圹圹?圻 咣 圹圹苘苒圹避? 咣槽圹 佰圹
咣圮 哌膊斑? ? ?哌圹圹圻? .? 槽?
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? ?
Start to Finish: Big Spaceship Animated Logo
(c) Lynda.com
Supplier . : QUASAR Size ..... : 9 x 15MB
Cracker .. : QUASAR Protection : Condom
Packager . : QUASAR Type ..... : Brain Enhancement
Date ..... : 08-07-2008 OS ....... : Win/Mac
Start to Finish: Big Spaceship Animated Logo
Watch the step-by-step process as acclaimed digital agency Big
Spaceship produces an animated logo. To create the logo, Big
Spaceship draws on historical broadcast design styles as well as
traditional and digital animation techniques. Handmade paper models
are shot with a stop-motion technique using a digital SLR camera.
Smoke effects are used to add atmosphere, clouds, and the smoke
trail for a paper rocket ship shot with a still camera and moved
through the scene with digital effects. It's a perfect blend of
spontaneous organic play and digital discipline. The end result is
a rich eruption of visual fun--and a great animated logo.
Released on: 8/6/2008
Unpack, burn or mount and enjoy.
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安圹圹圹圹圹圹圹舶 ?THE ALMIGHTY QUASAR ?2008 ?安圹圹圹圹圹圹圹舶



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