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《Captivate 2 教程》(VTC Adobe Captivate 2)[Bin]
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《Captivate 2 教程》(VTC Adobe Captivate 2)[Bin] 簡介: 中文名 : Captivate 2 教程 英文名 : VTC Adobe Captivate 2 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2008年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://www.vtc.com/products/Adobe-Captivate-2-tutorials.htm 類別:教程 VTC 出品的 Adobe C
"《Captivate 2 教程》(VTC Adobe Captivate 2)[Bin]"介紹
中文名: Captivate 2 教程
英文名: VTC Adobe Captivate 2
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2008年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語

VTC 出品的 Adobe Captivate 2 使用教程,由 James Gonzalez 主講。教程時長 10.5 小時,128 節課程。
Captivate 2 是 Adobe 出品的一款屏幕錄制軟件。該軟件使用簡便,不需要具有編程知識或多媒體技能,一般用戶都能夠快速創建功能強大的軟件演示和培訓內容。它可以自動生成 Flash 格式的交互式內容,而不需要特別學習 Flash。
在本教程中,James Gonzalez 將展示在快速創建線上教學、用戶支持指南、在線產品演示等工作中你所需要了解的 Captivate 使用技巧。你將學習到如何添加介紹、文字字幕、聲音效果、視頻、背景音樂、視頻、聲音特效、Flash 動畫、文字動畫、圖像、超文本鏈接,以及更多。
Adobe® Captivate™ 2 is a powerful software tool for easily creating interactive demonstrations and simulations in a variety of formats including Flash (SWF) and EXE. What’s more, the creation of these products requires no programming or multimedia skills. In this course, author James Gonzalez demonstrates all the Captivate skills you will need to quickly create effective software simulations for e-learning, online tutorials, user support tutorials, online product demonstrations and much more. You will learn how to add to your presentations: text captions, audio voice-overs, background music, and sound effects, video, Flash animations, text animations, images, hyperlinks, and more.

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?掭捋曹 咣?
? ?圹圹曹 咣馨 j0h2n!HoA
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捋圹? 咿圹草策咿圹圹葺策 捋圹莶?捋圹策哌哌哌咿鄄蒇圹圯 ?捋圹圯鄄哌哌哌?苒
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圮 哌哌哌哌哌哌 ?哌哌哌? 哌 哌哌哌哌 ?哌? 哌??哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 苒
哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌苓哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 ?
? C A F F E i N E ( C F E ) (C) ???稗 哕 ?????????????
策哌咣 P R E S E N T S . . . ???蒉 鞍 ????????????
哕? ?
曹? 卑 VTC.Adobe.Captivate.2-CFE
槽 ?
曹? Packager ....... : CFE Team

曹? Our Rls Date ... : July 2008
槽 Store Date ..... : 2007
哕? Platform ....... : Win/Mac
曹? Program Type ... : Training

哕? Protection ..... : Condom
曹? Cracker ........ : N/A
槽 Size ........... : 43 x 15mb
哕? Format ......... : bin/cue

Release Notes .. :
Adobe?Captivate?2 is a powerful software tool for easily creating interactive demonstrations
and simulations in a variety of formats including Flash (SWF) and EXE. What抯 more, the creation
of these products requires no programming or multimedia skills. In this course, author James
Gonzalez demonstrates all the Captivate skills you will need to quickly create effective software
simulations for e-learning, online tutorials, user support tutorials, online product demonstrations
and much more. You will learn how to add to your presentations: text captions, audio voice-overs,
background music, and sound effects, video, Flash animations, text animations, images, hyperlinks,
and more. To begin learning Adobe Captivate 2 today, simply click on one of movie links.
* Please note that this title provides lessons that are applicable to both Macromedia Captivate 1
and Adobe Captivate 2. The differences are discussed when necessary.

Link: http://www.vtc.com/products/Adobe-Captivate-2-tutorials.htm
Enjoy !
PS: Few HQs are needed! U know how to find us!

哕? ? We are currently looking for:

哕? [X] 100mbit+ .EU legit affil sites (CZ DK FI HU GR LT NO PL RO RU SE SK UK)
槽 [X] Suppliers WANTED for unreleased bookware/samplecds/videostock such as:
哕? ? Total Training/Digital Tutors/Digital Juice/Artbeats or anything similar.
曹? Don't hesistate to contact us NOW!

哕? ?

曹?? Greets ......... :
槽 ? ?
圹?? AG SoSISO JGTiSO SaG W3D and the ones we forgot.. :)
薏 ??
苒圯 ??
槽圹? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
捋圹圹曹 懿哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策??
哌鄄哌卟 哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哕 ??? ?
? ?? ?鞍 ?苘圹苘??
- [ ASCii By j0h2n Of HighOnASCii ] - ? ? 敗圹膊膊槽??
? ? ?? ?圹?? 膊槽 ?
- [ Edited By `high!HoA ] - ? ??薏郯?? 膊草
???? ? 鄄鞍鞍?鞍 膊?
? ?? ?槽鞍鞍鞍??佰
Group Info: ? ? ?稗脖北北北卑安莅
Email: ? ??槽郾脖卑北輩坜
WWW : Never ??苻脖鄄脖北槽圹?
IRC : Not Public ? 苓佰脖斑圹圻?輩莅
? ? 薏???? 臂?
哕 苒卑 ?輩臂莅
? 斑捋???輩脖圯
捋北 ?輩脖佰?
?圹? 輩脖安?
??咣膊卑輩圻 ?
?? 哌圹? ?
Nfo Last Updated: 06-08-2007 ? ?



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