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《筆記資料管理軟件Evernote視頻教程》(Lynda.com Up and Running with Evernote for Windows)[光盤鏡像]
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《筆記資料管理軟件Evernote視頻教程》(Lynda.com Up and Running with Evernote for Windows)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 筆記資料管理軟件Evernote視頻教程 英文名 : Lynda.com Up and Running with Evernote for Windows 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : David Rivers 發行日期 : 2012年5月01日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://www
"《筆記資料管理軟件Evernote視頻教程》(Lynda.com Up and Running with Evernote for Windows)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 筆記資料管理軟件Evernote視頻教程
英文名: Lynda.com Up and Running with Evernote for Windows
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: David Rivers
發行日期: 2012年5月01日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda.com 出品的時長1小時29分鐘的筆記資料管理軟件Evernote視頻教程。 EverNote是一款非常著名的免費筆記軟件,功能與OneNote類似。它不僅具備強大的筆記捕捉功能,還采用了獨特的標簽分類方式,支持即時搜索等。此外,它最大的特點就是支持多平台,而且數據能通過網絡互相同步。課程介紹Evernote幫助你注意和跟蹤重要項目,然後建立與注釋工作,並收集共享的筆記本電腦的方法。David Rivers還展示了如何拍攝和儲存照片,截圖,以及筆記本電腦中的視頻。此外,強大的標記和搜索功能,幫助保持您的筆記組織和訪問。當然也包括筆記本電腦的共享和保護功能,在任何時候都保持您的隱私。

In this course, watch author David Rivers show how to harness the power of Evernote, a popular cloud note-taking and note-sharing tool. The course begins with a look at ways Evernote can help you note and track important items and then build and work with notes and collect notebooks for sharing. David also shows how to take and store photos, screenshots, and even video in notebooks. Plus, the powerful tagging and search features help keep your notes organized and accessible. The course also covers the notebook sharing and protection features, so your privacy is maintained at all times.
Topics include:
Creating an Evernote account
Creating a new notebook
Creating and formatting text notes
Adding screenshots to a note
Creating a multimedia note
Clipping web content to a note
Merging notes
Find notes and content
Tagging notes
Sharing notes
Protecting content with encryption

1m 32s
1m 0s
Using the exercise files
1. Getting Started with Evernote
20m 27s
What is Evernote?
4m 9s
Exploring practical uses for Evernote
2m 58s
Creating your Evernote account
1m 23s
Getting Evernote
5m 3s
Configuring Evernote to meet your needs
5m 12s
Accessing Evernote on a mobile device
1m 42s
2. Working with Notebooks
13m 32s
Creating a new notebook
4m 13s
Managing notebook settings
4m 11s
Backing up and sharing notebook contents
5m 8s
3. Working with Notes
28m 40s
Creating a text note
3m 35s
Saving, editing, and formatting text notes
4m 8s
Turning a text note into a checklist
1m 46s
Pasting clipboard content to a note
2m 37s
Adding screenshots to a note
2m 19s
Creating a multimedia note
4m 52s
Clipping web content to a note
3m 7s
Merging multiple notes into one
2m 31s
Creating a note from an email
3m 45s
4. Tagging, Searching, and Filtering Content
13m 5s
Creating new tags for a note
5m 59s
Filtering notes with tags
2m 4s
Finding text inside notes
2m 43s
Finding text inside images
2m 19s
5. Sharing Notes
11m 51s
Sharing individual notes
2m 54s
Sharing notebooks via the Evernote web site
3m 20s
Linking to a shared notebook
2m 34s
Protecting content with encryption
3m 3s
Next steps

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: Lynda.com – Up and Running with Evernote for Windows
In this course, watch author David Rivers show how to harness the power of Evernote, a popular cloud note–taking and note–sharing tool. The course begins with a look at ways Evernote can help you note and track important items and then build and work with notes and collect notebooks for sharing. David also shows how to take and store photos, screenshots, and even video in notebooks. Plus, the powerful tagging and search features help keep your notes organized and accessible. The course also covers the notebook sharing and protection features, so your privacy is maintained at all times.
Topics include:
Creating an Evernote account
Creating a new notebook
Creating and formatting text notes
Adding screenshots to a note
Creating a multimedia note
Clipping web content to a note
Merging notes
Find notes and content
Tagging notes
Sharing notes
Protecting content with encryption
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