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《千年2:帶我高飛》(Millennium 2: Take Me Higher)v2.0.0.31/硬盤版[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/13
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《千年2:帶我高飛》(Millennium 2: Take Me Higher)v2.0.0.31/硬盤版[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 千年2:帶我高飛 英文名稱 : Millennium 2: Take Me Higher 游戲類型 : RPG 角色扮演游戲 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v2.0.0.31/硬盤版 發行時間 : 2009年 制作發行 : Aldorlea Games 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Install Millennium2b.exe.
"《千年2:帶我高飛》(Millennium 2: Take Me Higher)v2.0.0.31/硬盤版[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名稱: 千年2:帶我高飛
英文名稱: Millennium 2: Take Me Higher
游戲類型: RPG 角色扮演游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.0.0.31/硬盤版
發行時間: 2009年
制作發行: Aldorlea Games
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Install Millennium2b.exe. Copy precracked exe from the Crack folder to the installed folder of Millennium 2 Take Me Higher, making sure to overwrite the existing file. Play game.
【英文名稱】RMillennium 2: Take Me Higher
【制作發行】Aldorlea Games
【游戲類型】RPG 角色扮演
2D游戲畫面和《阿月歷險記》系列相仿,表現為早期RPG游戲慣用的卡通圖像風格。游戲場景豐富,村落、城堡等建築繪制細膩,充滿歐式風格。玩家將穿梭在高山,石洞,森林等不同場景之中。全英文系統的RPG游戲會使以及大量的英文對話劇情會使一些玩家望而卻步。不過本作的操作界面很友好,使用ESC鍵將可以方便的打開屬性欄進行選擇,訓練教學關卡的加入也提高了游戲的上手度。不同的情景中都具有適宜的樂曲旋律和各式各樣的音效來搭配,很好的渲染了游戲氣氛。無論是村莊中诙諧動聽的旋律,配合劇情人物傷心時的悠揚旋律,或是戰斗時激昂的旋律都具有不錯的表現。本作采用了傳統的角色扮演游戲類型,和《阿月歷險記》系列比較相仿。曲折的故事情節,良好的操作,無論你是剛接觸JRPG的新手,還是早已熟悉的老玩家,都會沉浸其中。喜歡經典JRPG的玩家不要錯過。游戲中包括40個探索任務,8個動物王國需要挑戰,32個隱藏的秘密房間,4種不同的難度模式可選擇,前作中的物品、武器和裝備將得到保存,方便的鼠標控制,獨特的技能可以使你的角色在野外選擇他們的行動,你可以管理多達9個人物,《Millennium 2》將使你持續數小時的游戲時間。
Marine has set off on a crazy journey that could change the world of Myst forever! Find twelve warriors and defeat the heartless government of Mystrock! The people of Marine’s world are weak and in despair, and even her own father is critically wounded. Fight troublesome creatures and legendary monsters, help people in town, visit secret rooms, collect orbs and complete many, many quests in Millennium 2 – Take me Higher. Follow Marine and her friends as they try to find her missing mother, help her injured father and gather powerful warriors so that they can challenge the Lords of Mystrock to a legendary showdown!Millennium 2 is the sequel to the new epic saga of Aldorlea Games, specialists in RPG and Adventure. A journey into the world of magic and marvels awaits you – are you ready for it?
# * 40 quests to solve!
# * 8 Animal Kings to challenge!
# * 32 Secret Rooms!
# * 4 Modes of Difficulty to fit your playing style!
# * Keep your items, weapons and armors from Millennium 1!
# * Mouse control!
# * A unique skill allowing your character to choose their behavior in the wilderness!
# * A Questbook to keep track of the pending quests!
# * A Party Switcher to manage up to 9 unique and exciting characters!
# * Memorable music with a gorgeous 20 piece soundtrack!
# * Stunning artworks, visuals and atmosphere!
# * Innovative features such as Jeanne the Fairy and exciting jumping!
# * 6 Guilds to trade points with!
# * A new part to the fun saga of unique adventure!
System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP/Vista
* CPU: 800 Mhz
* RAM: 256 MB
* DirectX: 8.1
* Hard Drive: 127 MB

TE 2009 PRESENTS   
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   ANOTHER FINE RELEASE   
 
Release: Millennium 2 Take Me Higher v2.0.0.31 (c) 2009 Aldorlea Games
Date: 12/22/2009
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type:
[ ] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[X] Other: Armadillo
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [X] Precracked [ ] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
 
² ² ² ²
²²     ²²
²²  RELEASE NOTES  ²²
²     ²
 ²   ² 
²² ²²
 
Marine is back!
Follow Marine and her many friends as they try to find her
missing mother, help her injured father and gather powerful
warriors so that they can challenge the Lords of Mystrock to a
legendary showdown!
Millennium 2 is the sequel to the new epic saga of Aldorlea
Games, specialists in RPG and Adventure.
With magic and marvels a world and journey await you - are you
ready for it?
· 40 quests to solve!
· 8 Animal Kings to challenge!
· 32 Secret Rooms!
· 4 Modes of Difficulty to fit your playing style!
· Keep your items, weapons and armors from Millennium 1!
· Mouse control!
· A unique skill allowing your character to choose their behavior
in the wilderness!
· A Questbook to keep track of the pending quests!
· A Party Switcher to manage up to 9 unique and exciting
· Memorable music with a gorgeous 20 piece soundtrack!
· Stunning artworks, visuals and atmosphere!
· Innovative features such as Jeanne the Fairy and exciting
· 6 Guilds to trade points with!
· A new part to the fun saga of unique adventure!
System Requirements:
· OS: Windows XP/Vista
· CPU: 1.6 GHz
· RAM: 128 MB
· DirectX: 9.0
· Hard Drive: 98 MB
For More On Millennium 2 Take Me Higher:
TE Release Filename: tmnh231x.zip
 
² ² ² ²
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²²  INSTALLATION NOTES  ²²
²     ²
 ²   ² 
²² ²²
 
Install Millennium2b.exe. Copy precracked exe from the Crack
folder to the installed folder of Millennium 2 Take Me Higher,
making sure to overwrite the existing file. Play game.
This version has the Green Grass sound, and Toad Swamp fixes.
v2.0.0.31 found from setup.
Thats it! Enjoy.
²²   ²²
 ²² ²² ²  ²² ²² 
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°² ° ² ²² ²² ² ° ²°
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   ± ±   
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 Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code °
²   ²
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° 


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