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《阿佛納姆6》(Avernum 6)v1.0.1/硬盤版[壓縮包]
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資源類別 硬盤游戲
發布時間 2017/7/13
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《阿佛納姆6》(Avernum 6)v1.0.1/硬盤版[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 阿佛納姆6 英文名稱 : Avernum 6 游戲類型 : RPG 角色扮演游戲 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v1.0.1/硬盤版 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Spiderweb Software, Inc. 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 【英文名稱】Avernum 6 【中文名稱】阿佛納姆6 【制作發行】Spiderweb
"《阿佛納姆6》(Avernum 6)v1.0.1/硬盤版[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名稱: 阿佛納姆6
英文名稱: Avernum 6
游戲類型: RPG 角色扮演游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.0.1/硬盤版
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Spiderweb Software, Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

【英文名稱】Avernum 6
【制作發行】Spiderweb Software, Inc.
【游戲類型】RPG 角色扮演
日前Spiderweb Software推出了角色扮演游戲Avernum 6,這是Avernum系列最後的篇章。在這一篇章裡,Avernum的世界一片混亂,爬蟲Slithzerikai從地下隧道爬出來,與人類展開一場殊死之戰。Avernum系列描述的地下城充滿了地牢、迷宮和連續不斷的戰爭。最後的災難是饑荒和戰爭,將會摧毀玩家的家園。只有玩家才能幫助 Avernum的人民在一切毀滅之前逃出地下城。
1.運行windows 2000或以上的PC。
The epic conclusion of the award-winning Avernum series. Travel into the strange subterranean land of Avernum, full of dungeons, labyrinths, and constant warfare. A final set of disasters threatens to destroy your homeland in a spasm of famine and warfare. Only you can help your people to get to safety before everything falls apart.
As you wander the gigantic world of Avernum, you will experience:
* An enormous world. Hundreds of quests, dozens of dungeons and enemy fortresses, and multitudes of characters.
* A fascinating storyline, full of surprises, treachery, and epic battles.
* Many unique encounters. Not just mindless hack and slash. Many unusual enemies that will require clever tactics to defeat.
* Rich game system with over 50 spells and battle disciplines, many character building options, and powerful secret skills to unlock.
* Unique game world. Unique races and settings make Avernum different from any RPG out there.
* Experience with previous Avernum games is completely unnecessary to enjoy Avernum 6.
System Requirements:
* PC Running Windows 2000 or later or Macintosh running System 10.3.9 or later.
* 800 MhZ processor. Minimum 1.6 GhZ processor recommended.
* Video card or processor with OpenGL support and 32 MB video RAM (64 MB recommended).
* 512 MB RAM.
* 200 MB hard disk space.
* 1024x768 screen resolution with 32 bit color.
* Avernum 6 will run natively on Intel Macintoshes.

TE 2010 PRESENTS   
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   ANOTHER FINE RELEASE   
 
Release: Avernum 6 v1.0.1 (c) 2010 Spiderweb Software
Date: 04/08/2010
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type:
[ ] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[X] Other: RE TP
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [X] Precracked [ ] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
 
² ² ² ²
²²     ²²
²²  RELEASE NOTES  ²²
²     ²
 ²   ² 
²² ²²
 
The epic conclusion of the award-winning Avernum series! Travel
into the strange subterranean land of Avernum. A final set of
disasters threatens to destroy your homeland in a spasm of famine
and warfare. Only you can help your people to get to safety
before everything falls apart! Create a band of four warriors,
explore dungeons, fight cunning monsters, hunt for hundreds of
powerful weapons and artifacts, and experience a fascinating
System Requirements:
· OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
· Memory: 512 MB
· CPU: 800 mhz
· Video: 32 MB video RAM with OpenGL support
For More Info visit:
TE Release Filename: tav6101x.zip
 
² ² ² ²
²²     ²²
²²  INSTALLATION NOTES  ²²
²     ²
 ²   ² 
²² ²²
 
Install Avernum6Setup.exe. After installation copy precracked
exe from the Crack folder to the installed folder of Avernum 6,
making sure to overwrite the existing file. Avernum 6 is now
activated. Support the Developer and buy game!
Thats it! Enjoy.
²²   ²²
 ²² ²² ²  ²² ²² 
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   ± ±   
²  °  °  ²
 Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code °
²   ²
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° 


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