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《浪人鴨》(Ronin Duck)[安裝包]
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資源類別 硬盤游戲
發布時間 2017/7/13
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《浪人鴨》(Ronin Duck)[安裝包] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 浪人鴨 英文名稱 : Ronin Duck 游戲類型 : ACT 動作游戲 資源格式 : 安裝包 發行時間 : 2008年 制作發行 : •Brian Cooley-Gilliom - Technical Director, Core Component-based Engine, AI programming, •Dwight House - Producer,
"《浪人鴨》(Ronin Duck)[安裝包]"介紹
中文名稱: 浪人鴨
英文名稱: Ronin Duck
游戲類型: ACT 動作游戲
資源格式: 安裝包
發行時間: 2008年
制作發行: •Brian Cooley-Gilliom - Technical Director, Core Component-based Engine, AI programming,
•Dwight House - Producer, Sound Components with FMod library, Zen Mode code, Men
•Kelly Jacobs - Game Designer, Level Editing Tool, LUA, Event System, Post-proce
•Mark Nichols - Level Designer, Physics programming, Level Design
•Khai Tran - Project Manager, Graphic Engine, Art Pipeline, Art Content
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

2008-2009, Action, Adventure, Game, Master
Ronin Duck is an action-adventure game inspired by classic 3D action-adventure games, such as The Legend of Zelda. The game features a lone samurai duck that fights enemies and solves dungeon puzzles in order to save a small village from three greedy lords. The game utilizes a unique feature called Zen Mode to allow the user to activate ronin duck's superior skills to slow down time to battle enemies and interact with the environment. Ronin Duck's world is beautifully rendered through a graphics engine that supports custom shading styles, normal mapping, depth of field, and motion blur. Enemies come to life through the use of pathfinding and state machine AI.
喜歡的就加入我們獨立星球(獨立游戲、獨立動畫網站)吧: http://www.indepla.net
https://www.digipen.edu/fileadmin/website_data/gallery/gallery_upload/RoninDuck_InGame03.jpg https://www.digipen.edu/fileadmin/website_data/gallery/gallery_upload/RoninDuck_InGame02.jpg https://www.digipen.edu/fileadmin/website_data/gallery/gallery_upload/RoninDuck_InGame01.jpg 

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