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《巫師2:國王刺客》(The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings)破解版[光盤鏡像]
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《巫師2:國王刺客》(The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings)破解版[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 巫師2:國王刺客 英文名稱 : The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings 游戲類型 : RPG 角色扮演游戲 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : 破解版 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : 制作:CD Projekt Red 發行:Atari 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 游戲名稱:巫師2:國王刺客 英文名稱:T
"《巫師2:國王刺客》(The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings)破解版[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名稱: 巫師2:國王刺客
英文名稱: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
游戲類型: RPG 角色扮演游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 破解版
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: 制作:CD Projekt Red
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

英文名稱:The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings
游戲制作:CD Projekt RED
  在粉碎薔薇騎士團的造反企圖並救了國王一命後,蓋略特成為王國政治漩渦中的核心人物之一。為迎來持久和平,他必須鏟除王國版圖中最後一個反抗堡壘,即宣布獨立的Baroness La Valette城堡。在國王的軍隊進發至叛軍堡壘大門外准備進攻之時,一名巫師級別的殺手也悄然而至,試圖行刺國王,而蓋略特為了保護國王也無法抽身去調查刺客的身世及委托方,而這才是問題的關鍵。
  1.引人入勝的情節、耐人尋味的故事主線和非直線的游戲情節。Geralt of Rivia的新一輪冒險為大家帶來了更加宏大而充滿驚奇的故事。劇情長度遠超1代。
  3. 獨特的戰斗系統混合了許多策略元素和前所未有的動態戰斗過程。改進後的鍛造系統可使玩家擁有自己的特色物品,共有200種武器及盔甲可供把玩,單是劍類武器就有300種變化,而原作只有區區十把劍。盔甲可細分為多個組成部分。背心、手套、腰帶、護膝等等每一片都可獨立升級,從而提供更多可供深究的組合,而原作只有區區四種盔甲。即便是相似物品,也因導入隨機屬性而變得大相徑庭。人物所攜帶的物品數量無上限,物品分類也有改進。  
   4. 與其他游戲相比,它的畫面本來就站在很高起點上,因此也成為了目前畫面最棒的RPG游戲。
  在E3展會上公開多張游戲截圖和角色設定圖。CD Projekt Red誇下海口說,《巫師2:國王刺客》將是目前畫面最強的RPG游戲。
  除了畫面上的進步,從CD Projekt Red口中我們還了解到《巫師2:國王刺客》將是一款趨向於成年人化的游戲作品。游戲將提供三條獨立主線,每一條都提供了多選一的選項來觸發不同事件,不會再有從A點跑到B點取東西然後返回A點交差的濫竽充數型“快遞任務”,而代之以由劇情驅動的,非線性的任務機制。
  獵艷與推倒也是游戲重要一環。成年人世界裡可以沒有精彩的人生故事,但無法忽視荷爾蒙的存在,CD Projekt Red深刻認識到這一點,許諾要為《巫師2》引入更真實,更深入,更成熟的表現手法,讓成年人間的關系表現得比前作更可信。
——系統:Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
——處理器:Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+
——內存:Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista 和 Windows 7
——顯卡:512 MB RAM, 支持 Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia GeForce 8800 或 ATI Radeon HD3850)
——系統:Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
——處理器:Intel Core 2 Quad 或 AMD Phenom X4
——內存:3 GB Windows XP / 4 GB Windows Vista 和 Windows 7
——顯卡:1 GB RAM, 支持 Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia GeForce GTX260 或 ATI Radeon HD4850)
——聲卡:兼容 DirectX 9.0c
——硬盤空間:16 GB 空余空間
——光盤驅動器:DVD x8, 兼容 DVD9


.the leading force.
proudly presents
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (c) Atari
16-05-2011........Release Date - Protection.............SecuROM
RPG..................Game Type - Disk(s)..................2 DVD
The second installment in the RPG saga about the Witcher, Geralt of
Rivia, features a thoroughly engrossing, mature storyline defining new
standards for thought-provoking, non-linear game narration. In addition
to an epic story, the game features an original, brutal combat system
that uniquely combines tactical elements with dynamic action. A new,
modern game engine, responsible both for beautiful visuals and
sophisticated game mechanics puts players in the most lively and
believable world ever created in an RPG game. A captivating story,
dynamic combat system, beautiful graphics, and everything else that
made the original Witcher such a great game are now executed in a much
more advanced and sophisticated way.
A truly epic, intense, emotionally charged adventure with non-linear
game narration. Three independent plot lines with several alternative
events are dependent on the players choices and lead to multiple
different game endings and several additional plot forks. This time
gameplay time will be shorter than The Witcher 1, but more intense and
packed with events.
A complex, realistic and mature story touching upon subject matter
seldom seen in other RPGs, told in a manner that is understandable and
attractive to contemporary gamers. We investigate the assassinations of
the rulers of the Northern Kingdoms and follow Geralts personal theme,
in which he's looking for his own identity. Gradually we learn how
powerful forces influence our situation and what role they order us to
Rich, mature dialogue as found in Andrzej Sapkowski's book series and
The Witcher 1, presented in highly filmic cutscenes and dialogues
sequences, thanks to a new game engine.
New, improved system of flashbacks. Now the reminiscences of Geralt, in
which we observe the link between our past choices with current
actions, are realistically and smoothly woven into the gameplay.
Unique, deep, consistent and rich game world established in a series of
best-selling books by A. Sapkowski and recreated in the game to provide
an incredible, believable story-driven experience.
Believable, true-to-life characters with their own motivations and
goals. During our journey we meet ordinary men, soldiers, rebels,
powerful mages, rulers and their assassins. Depending on our decisions
we meet different game characters, and our relationships shape further
actions in the game.
Highly varied, breathtaking locations, which thanks to the new engine
create a cohesive, fully accessible world
Rich, living world in which every character has their own way of life
and unique occupations. Our actions modify the relationship with the
game-world population and, in the case of the main plot line, open or
close the possibilities of interaction with the game world.
Greater freedom of exploration to provide increased game realism and a
wider range of new tactical options. Geralt will surmount barriers,
jump over fences, scale walls and ascend rock formations.
1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install (game will auto start with a activation screen, quit that)
4. Run PatcherEFIGS.exe from the SKIDROW folder on DVD 2
5. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder on DVD 2 to the The Witcher 2
installation folder
6. Play the game
7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy


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