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《兩個世界2》(Two Worlds II)破解版[光盤鏡像]
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《兩個世界2》(Two Worlds II)破解版[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 兩個世界2 英文名稱 : Two Worlds II 別名 : Two Worlds 2 游戲類型 : RPG 角色扮演游戲 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : 破解版 發行時間 : 2010年11月11日 制作發行 : 制作:Reality Pump 發行:SouthPeak Games 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 中文名稱:兩個世界2
"《兩個世界2》(Two Worlds II)破解版[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名稱: 兩個世界2
英文名稱: Two Worlds II
別名: Two Worlds 2
游戲類型: RPG 角色扮演游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 破解版
發行時間: 2010年11月11日
制作發行: 制作:Reality Pump
發行:SouthPeak Games
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

游戲名稱:Two World 2
游戲發行:SouthPeak Games
游戲制作:Reality Pump
《兩個世界2》是奇幻RPG游戲《兩個世界》的續作。 2代游戲的故事依舊架構在虛擬的奇幻大陸Antaloor,這個世界以中線的河流做為分界,彼此過著和平的生活,但是南岸的獸人一直想要侵襲北方大陸,占領整個世界,北方大陸則集結了人類、精靈、矮人等許多善良的種族,群起對抗獸人族,也就是字面上的 “兩個世界”的主要意義。
2代的故事發生在1代的幾年之後,游戲將帶領你走進Antaloor東部大陸,探索未知的神秘領域,在這裡你將發現許多全新的場景,比如沙漠和神廟。該系列游戲自由度相當高,除了主線任務之外,支線任務也相當豐富,而且每個支線任務對主角日後的影響也不相同,在你完成某個任務之後,也許另一個任務就無法進行了,甚至你在某些地區會被攻擊。如果你常常幫助某些邪惡的NPC完成任務,那就會讓你臭名遠播,導致有些村莊不歡迎你;另外,如果在之前的任務中沒有殺死某些NPC ,之後玩家反而可以向他接取任務,玩家可以依照自己的喜好來完成各種支線劇情。除了任務,培育角色的自由度也很高,例如玩家可以讓你的人物用各種方式殺死對方,像是暗殺、射殺、設置陷阱等等,而當你設置陷阱或暗殺時,潛行藏匿、或是設置陷阱的技巧就會提升,當然也有開鎖、施法等一般美式RPG的基本設定。采用動作方式進行的戰斗系統同樣有許多變化,玩家可以多繞點路,偷襲怪物,讓他跟著你亂繞,或是在戰斗時,踢地下的沙子,讓怪物的眼睛瞎掉等等,只是怪物也會運用這些技巧來攻擊玩家,如果是地城或是群聚的怪物,還會呼朋引伴,或是邊逃邊叫伙伴,玩家戰斗時可要多加留意。游戲中也有許多制作的能力,例如煉金術能讓玩家做出各種藥水或毒藥,毒藥通常可以拿來塗毒或丟向對方,而多樣化的藥水則可以拿來喝,雖然喝多了會有少許副作用,但對游戲的進行還是有很大的幫助,所以看到地上的花花草草,沒事就拔一拔吧!拿它來和怪物屍首或眼球等物品合成,就可以制作出各種特殊藥水。



Two Worlds: The Temptation (c) Zuxxez
11/2010 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Activation
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: CRPG
A few years after the fateful events in Part 1 of the "Two Worlds" saga, the
power of Gandohar, the Dark Imperator, is at its peak. The joy and relief
experienced by the populace of Antaloor when he conquered the proud Orcs was
soon brutally stifled by his reign of unbelievable terror. The depths of his
evil character were revealed much too fast... and much too cruelly. Only one
warrior with the combined power of two worlds can destroy this spell of evil
- and the people yearn for his coming. But... the hero is a prisoner in the
city's deepest dungeon, so he'll have to start out on the path to his
adventures from this dark and gloomy location. He'll enjoy victories and
taste bitter defeats, he'll be betrayed and befriended and he'll be met by
mind-boggling mysteries and sudden surprises on his travels. However, new
powers are entering the scene - and they will plunge the player deep into
Antaloor's past. One quest will take the hero back to his roots, present him
with surprising twists and turns in the game - and transport him into a truly
new dimension in the RPG genre. Gameplay"Two Worlds II" offers a perfect
symbiosis of the most important RP features - sheer atmosphere and dazzling
technology. A complex quest system with an exciting main story that leads you
through the world of Antaloor, plus lots of secondary scenarios with their
corresponding quest stories ensure that the followers of the main story AND
the adventurous souls who love the danger of exploring unknown regions will
ALL get their money's worth... and more Completely revised AI and Balancing
standards, experienced authors, the active combat system and the fabulously
intuitive management of magic are all a guarantee of even more game enjoyment
for both RPG professionals and those who are new to the genre. Then we have
the GRACE engine, especially developed for "Two Worlds II". In combination
with the extremely flexible MoCap system, it enables unheard-of freedom of
movement when the hero is walking, running, involved in combat and
interacting with his environment. "Two Worlds II" is graphically superb,
thanks to technological highlights like an unlimited number of dynamic light
sources, 24 bit HDR post-processing and Real Eye Adaption.FeaturesAn active
combat system with variable attack moves, parrying and special
tricksState-of-the-art technology, thanks to a powerful GRACE engine and
special toolsCRAFT system (Complete Reshaping And Forging Technology) for
customizing weapons and armouryLots of mini-games for enhancing
gameplayIndividual magic system thanks to DEMONS technologyIntuitive user
interface for the Magic and Skill systemsMany Boss opponents, with unique
rewards Set up your own workshop with the CWE system (Correlated Workflow
Efficiency)Mercenaries and magically-created beings accompany the
playerComplex object management with movable and usable items Flexible MoCap
system guarantees realistic everyday movements and combat Extensive
Multiplayer part including building/setup sim.
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game.
4. Block the main executable in your firewall software, start the game, and
use our keygen located in the /Crack dir on the DVD to activate using
5. Play the game
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT


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