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《足球經理2011》(Football Manager 2011)PROPER破解版/免DVD補丁[光盤鏡像]
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《足球經理2011》(Football Manager 2011)PROPER破解版/免DVD補丁[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 足球經理2011 英文名稱 : Football Manager 2011 游戲類型 : SIM 模擬經營類游戲 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : PROPER破解版/免DVD補丁 發行時間 : 2010年11月5日 制作發行 : 制作:Sports Interactive 發行:SEGA 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 【游戲簡介】 FM2
"《足球經理2011》(Football Manager 2011)PROPER破解版/免DVD補丁[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名稱: 足球經理2011
英文名稱: Football Manager 2011
游戲類型: SIM 模擬經營類游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: PROPER破解版/免DVD補丁
發行時間: 2010年11月5日
制作發行: 制作:Sports Interactive
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

發布兩年的3D Match Engine游戲引擎將有大量改進,包括100多種新的動作、更豐富的球員表情、新的球員模型、新的體育場、新的球場紋理、改進的光照效果、泛光燈照明的夜場比賽、更多慶祝動作,等等等等。
行動創建器 - 類似於《足球經理2010》裡的戰術創建器,在本作中,我們加入了行動創建器,玩家可以在更加直觀、更加友好的界面中設置自己球隊的常規行動。
發布會改進 - 不僅僅是在用戶界面上進行了改進,也不僅僅新加入了超過150條全新的發布會提問,就連原來的500多條發布會提問也進行了完整的梳理,將答案進行了必要的修訂,使得發布會更加直觀,更加合理。
賽事分析改進 - 在賽事分析板上加入了許多全新選項,比如越位、任意球、角球、邊線球、絕佳機會、少許機會等,都可以通過這個系統來進行分析,並且還可以同時顯示所有球員在賽事中的動向,而不像以前一樣只能分別查看。
陣容注冊數和陣容球員數的分離 - 我們如今將陣容注冊數和陣容球員數的界面分離了開來,所以玩家如今可以一目了然地看到不需要注冊的球員數量了。
新生成系統改進 - 全新生成球員系統如今擁有了全新的系統設計,其中加入了不同球員風格的模板,同時還將國別特征加入個人賬戶,使得玩家的球員伴隨著玩家的游戲存檔一路走來。
二隊與業余隊改進 - 為了回饋我們的玩家社群,特別是西班牙和丹麥的玩家,為我們的二隊和業余隊在游戲中的表現與現實中的表現相比較提供了大量討論,如今我們按照他們踢出的意見進行了改進,在賽季開始後,玩家就可以設置自己俱樂部中的二隊,讓他們參加相應聯賽。


Football Manager 2011 (c) SEGA
11/2010 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......:
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Sports
Proper Note
The Armada release was neither retail nor a steamrip, it was a mishmash of a
leaked russian copy and an english language file from the demo. It also
did not work, prompting for DVD ingame with or without their homemade DVD
image mounted, or burned and inserted
We present you with a retail DVD image. Enjoy
Game Info
Contract Negotiations - making its debut in Football Manager 2011 is a new
live contract negotiation system, with a host of new contract clauses. Learn
to deal with different types of agents as you try to secure your next big
signing. Re-vamped training system - including more basic training schedules
and individual training focus where players can be in trained in 14 different
skill areas. Plus, a new match preparation area, where you can get your team
to concentrate on special focus areas, and train in specific tactics, in the
lead up to a match.Improved Interaction - new board request and backroom
advice options as well as a new player interaction module allowing you to
have private conversations with your players, including lots of options never
seen before, taking interaction to a whole new level.News subscription
service - expanded to make the way that news and mail is distributed even
more user friendly and immersive. Dozens of additional news items and a new
module written to add more intelligence in the news items themselves.Match
View - play under the glare of the floodlights for the first time with night
matches and over 100 new animations including player models, stadiums, goal
celebrations and much, much more. Not forgetting improvements to what was
already the best match simulation on the market.Dynamic League Reputation - a
new feature meaning as teams get stronger and perform better on a continental
level, the league they play in will also get stronger, attracting more
players to want to play in the league and a more accurate modelling of the
changing face of world football.
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game (select offline version
4. Play the game
5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT


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