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《死亡島 年度版》(Dead Island)[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/14
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《死亡島 年度版》(Dead Island)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 死亡島 年度版 英文名稱 : Dead Island 游戲類型 : ACT 動作游戲 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行時間 : 2011年9月6日 制作發行 : Techland Square Enix 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 據英國分級機構BBFC的最新游戲信息顯示,由Deep Silv
"《死亡島 年度版》(Dead Island)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名稱: 死亡島 年度版
英文名稱: Dead Island
游戲類型: ACT 動作游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行時間: 2011年9月6日
制作發行: Techland
Square Enix
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

據英國分級機構BBFC的最新游戲信息顯示,由Deep Silver開發的喪屍生存游戲《死亡島》將於2012年6月30日發售《死亡島:年度版》。
  目前開發商並未正式公布這款作品,因此我們也就無法確認《死亡島:年度版》將包含哪些游戲內容,不過按照慣例,年度版游戲將包含游戲發售之後的全部DLC內容,也就是說Ryder White和Bloodbath Arena這兩個劇情DLC將收錄在《死亡島:年度版》游戲之中。
  這款開放型喪屍生存游戲也是這家波蘭游戲開發商創立以來銷量最好的一款游戲,Techland工作室公關Tomasz Gawlikowski在接受波蘭媒體giernik.pl采訪時表示:“在2011年,並沒有太多矚目的原創作品發售,在今年秋季發售的原創游戲只有《死亡島》以及《狂暴》兩部作品。我印象中沒有其他的原創作品,但是卻有大批的怪獸級系列作品續作發售,但是《死亡島》銷售火爆,賣的非常好。”
  《死亡島》在2011年9月登陸XBOX360/PS3/PC平台,游戲以其感人肺腑的宣傳片一炮走紅,其最終游戲亦令人驚歎,此前發行商Deep Silver宣布在北美地區首周出貨量達到一百萬,游戲自9月發售至今,其全球游戲出貨已經突破300萬大關。
由Techland開發的新游戲《死亡島(Dead Island)》是一款結合了動作要素在內的射擊類游戲,游戲的發生地點也是在巴布亞新幾內亞一個熱帶天堂般的孤島上,玩家將扮演於此地度假的角色之一。由於全球的瘟疫化以及遺傳基因學的濫用,導致島上人員變為僵屍,玩家在游戲中必須盡可能的逃脫僵屍們的追捕,想盡一切辦法存活下去。以外,玩家還會隨著劇情慢慢探索到島上的秘密。

The Game of the Year Edition includes:
Dead Island (Game)
Bloodbath Arena
Ryder White
The Ripper (Weapon Blueprint)



苘苘苘哌哌哌圹? 圻哌哌 苘苘苘圹圹 圹膊? ?圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?圹圹膊
苘圹 圹圻苒圻圹苓圹??苘哌圹圮哌? 苒圹圻?圹苒圻苒苓圹圹??鞍卟苓圹圮 哕
苒圹? 佰 圹郾佰圻鄄斑圹??敗圹策苓圹? ? 苒圻 苒馨?圹哕圻苒苓圮圹??圹甙鞍敗 哌? ? 苘苘苘? 苒圻 鞍咣佰 圹圻苒咿卟佰圹?圮苘苘苘哌哌哌哌哌?苘苘馨圮
苘苘苘苓哌哌哌哌 苘苘苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻咣圻咣圹?圮 圹苘 苘圹蒇 ? 郯苘苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹咣哌咣圹 圮 咣? 圻 圹? 圹圹圹圹 圹圹蒇 ? 坜圹圻咣哌圹? 圮 咣? 圹?苒? 圻 苒? 圹 圹? 苘圹圹圹 圹圹蒇 ? 坜圹? 圹 圹 圹 圹 圹?捋? 苒圹圹 圹 圹圹苓哌咣圹圮苒圹圯? ? 坜圹? 哕苒圹 哕 咣圹苓圻苒圹 圹圹圹苘圹苘圹圹圹圹圹圹哌哌哌甙? ? 坜圹? 圹圹圹 圹哕圹圹圮圹圯圹圹咣圹哌哌哌哌 苘苘苘苘苘脖卑鞍哌? ? 坜圹圮苒圹圻哌哌哌哌哌圹圮咣蒇圻苒圹?圻哌哌哌北苘苘苘 咣脖北鞍 哕? 郯哌 苘苘苘苓哌哌邊咣 圹咣圮蒇苒哕圹??圹馨鞍鞍?圹圻哕 哌哌哌哌?? 咣圻弑脖?苘?鞍敗郯?圹?咣蒇?苒圹??佰圹馨氨哕圹? ? 哌鼙北?圹圮 咣甙?圹咣苓圻苒哕圹?郯鞍咣圻苓苒圹 苓
哌? 臂圹? 佰 圹?咣苒?苒圹?郯鞍敗苓苒圹? 苓
咣圹??圹圹苓圻苒圹圹?郯 哌苘圹圹? 苓
哌脖?圹圹圹苒圹圹圹??圹圹圹圻 苓
?咣圹苓圻苒圹圻 ?圹鄄曹苘哌
??咣圹苒圹哌 苒 郾苘弑哌
?圹? 哌? 苘圹?郾圹郯
?圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?圹鄄? ?圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?圹卑鼙
?圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?郾 鄄? ?圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?草薏舶
苘鄄 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?廁脖?苘? 懿圹曹 鄄卑?哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?鞭舶馨槽鄄? 輩圹?苒氨?拜圻哌哌哌哌哌哌坜 郾 斑 ?卟 懿槽圮
苘苘卟 圻圹避苒 蒇 咣哌苘苓咣?坜 鄄避佰 咣荼槽甙鼙膊苘
懿槽圹鄄苒咣哌安圹?蒇 卑苓咣哌馨?坜佰甙邊咣苓薇哕膊圹郾槽圮
? 苒? 圮臂北臂膊?蒇 圮斑圮圻敗?坜 敗圹鄄苘圮咻輩? 咣策 ? 懿槽曹卟甙馨弑?哌哌哌哌? ?圹圮 苒圹 ? 哌哌哌哌哌哌弑槽苘圻圹? 薇策?哕咣圹郯圻哌哌哌哌哌哌哕圹圹 圹圹苓哌哌哌哌哌哌咣 咣卟圮圮策
?苓圻郾輩圹 ?圹哌 苒哌苘圹 圹苘哌圮 哌圹 ?圮斑 圻?? 懿廁槽圻苒圹北???苒圻苒圮哌苒圹圹 圹圹圮哌苒圮咣圮 ??圻圹避苓圹圮
薇策鄄哕圹圹哌敗 ??咣圮咣圹圻苘咣圹 圹圻苘咣圹圻苒圻 ??馨哌圹圹苓圹? 哕圹圮咣?苘咣??圹苘 咣苘哌圹圮 圹 圹 苒圹哌苘圻 苘圹 ?圹哕?咣哕脖臂
捋圹圹?佰圮 捋 圮苘苘苘苘苘苘?圹苓 哕圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?圯 苒郯 氨臂圹? 圹圮咣莅?咣圮圯 ?鞍鞍敗 ?圮哌圻圻哕?? 馨鞍鞍 ?k 捋苒圻 捋哕圹? 圹鄄咣蒇苓?哌圹? 哕 咣圹郾 ?咣哌苘苓咣??臂圹圻 苓 苒圻?苓苒捋卟圹? 圻苘圹捋圹???哌圮?哕 卟郾 ?卑苓咣哌馨??臂策 苓 苘圻???苒圹蒇圮苓? 鄄苘哌捋咣圹圮??? 哕???圮斑圮圻敗???苘? ??苘圹圹咣葸哕懿? 圻哕苒捱 哌哌圮?? 哌 圮苘苘苘苘苘苘?哌 ?苘圻哌? 咻圮苓咣
捃哌 哌避 proudly 哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?announces ?弑圮? ?懿臂鄄?? ?苒圹? 薇臂圹圹圹? 敗 苘 苘 敗苘苘 敗苘苘? ? 苒圻圹圯
氨圹圹圹圹? 圹 圹哕 圹 圹? 圹 圹?咣? 圮 苒圹?苒圹
?哕槽曹?? 圹 圹 咣?圹苘 圹 圹 苘 咣苓哕 咣哕? 捋圹葸捋圹? 圹 圹 苒?佰? 佰?苒? 苘苓哌 避哌圮圯臂圹
郾圮圮郾? 郾 圹 郾? 弑 弑郾? 哕苒圹哌甙圹? 咣佰佰佰? 哌哕苘 苒圹圻 ?苒咣圹
哕 ??苘? 咣圻咣圮? 圹? 苓哕苒? ? 咣咣圹? 膊避懿 Dead Island: Game of The Year Edition (c) Techland ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? release date ...: January 2766 ? 圹? 圹? ? protection .....: Steam ? 圹? 圹? ? # of discs .....: 1 ? 圹? 圹? ? languages ......: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL/CZ/RU ? 圹? 圹? ? --------------------------------------------------- ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? Terror. Violence. Madness. Bedlam. A holiday ? 圹? 圹? ? paradise gone mad. A tropical island turns into ? 圹? 圹? ? total chaos after a mysterious zombie outbreak. Cut ? 圹? 圹? ? off from the rest of the world, the player's only ? 圹? 圹? ? chance to survive is to fight to the death and find ? 圹? 圹? ? a way to escape from the island. Dead Island ? 圹? 圹? ? combines first-person action with a heavy focus on ? 圹? 圹? ? melee combat, character development and ? 圹? 圹? ? customization of a vast array of weapons. All of ? 圹? 圹? ? these gameplay features are presented in a dark ? 圹? 圹? ? story inspired by classic zombie movies with a ? 圹? 圹? ? gritty and engrossing campaign that can be played ? 圹? 圹? ? with up to four players in co-op mode. Set in an ? 圹? 圹? ? open world tropical island, hordes of different ? 圹? 圹? ? festering zombies await players around every ? 圹? 圹? ? corner while they embark on a variety of ? 圹? 圹? ? thrilling missions through the holiday resort. ? 圹? 圹? ? With firearms and ammunition being scarce the ? 圹? 圹? ? player must rely on utilizing found items as ? 圹? 圹? ? weapons for self-defense and fight off zombie ? 圹? 圹? ? hordes in intense melee combat. A diverse range of ? 圹? 圹? ? items can be collected and will later serve to ? 圹? 圹? ? transform the player's ordinary makeshift weapons ? 圹? 圹? ? into serious instruments of destruction. In ? 圹? 圹? ? addition to satisfying even the most bloodthirsty ? 圹? 圹? ? action fan's fantasy, Dead Island also features ? 圹? 圹? ? role-playing elements which allow the player to ? 圹? 圹? ? develop one of the game's unique character classes ? 圹? 圹? ? according to their preferences, all the while ? 圹? 圹? ? learning new skills and fresh tactics during their ? 圹? 圹? ? journey through the perilous environments of the ? 圹? 圹? ? island. What's more, anytime during a game up to ? 圹? 圹? ? four players can seamlessly join together and ? 圹? 圹? ? experience the intense combat and immersive story ? 圹? 圹? ? with cooperative gameplay. With the all-new Chrome ? 圹? 圹? ? Engine 5 powering Dead Island, the game will use ? 圹? 圹? ? the latest installment of Techland's acclaimed ? 圹? 圹? ? proprietary game engine, allowing the player to ? 圹? 圹? ? experience the tropical island paradise in ? 圹? 圹? ? graphical splendor with diverse environments like ? 圹? 圹? ? lush forests and detailed city environments. ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? With the Dead Island Game of the Year Edition ? 圹? 圹? ? players get the chance to experience the full ? 圹? 圹? ? story behind the Banoi Zombie Outbreak. The GOTY ? 圹? 圹? ? edition includes: ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? * Dead Island ? 圹? 圹? ? * Bloodbath Arena DLC ? 圹? 圹? ? * Ryder White DLC ? 圹? 圹? ? * Blueprint "The Ripper" Weapon ? 圹? 圹? ? 圮苓咣
圹? ? 鼙哌 哌茌
圹圮 ? ?懿臂鄄?? 圹圻圹? ? 敗 苘 敗苘苘?敗苘苘馨 敗苘苘 敗苘苘 薇臂圹圹圹? 圹圮 咣圹?苒 圹哕 圹 圹?咣?? 圹 ?圹? 圹 圹? 圹 氨圹圹圹圹? 槽圹?苓哕圻 苘 圹 咣?圹 圹 圹 圹苘 哌苘? ?哕槽曹?? 鄄鄄捋苒哌鼙 哌哕苘 圹 苒?佰?苒? 圹 佰? 苘 圹 捋圹葸捋圹? 圹舶哌咣圹苘? 圹 郾? 弑郾? 郾 弑圮圹 圹苘圻 郾圮圮郾? 圹策圮 ?咣圹圮 苘苓哌 咣佰佰佰? 圹? 圮圹哌圹? 哕??? 苓
圹圹咣? ? 咣苘哌? 圹? ? 1- Unpack, burn or mount 曹鼙膊
圹? ? 2- Install the game ? 槽? 圹? ? 3- Copy the crack from PROPHET dir ? 圹? 圹? ? 4- Go To Hell! ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ?* currently we are looking for: ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ?> talented cracker ? 圹? 圹? ?> experienced movie ripper ? 圹? 圹? ?> supply games ENGLiSH / MULTi / POLiSH ? 圹? 圹? ?> supply any stuff ? 圹? 圹? ? (movies, apps, even spycam porn of your sister) ? 圹? 圹? ?> supply hardware (box , ftps, etc.) ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ?* you match the description? maybe you can join us! ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? *** WE'RE AFTER AFFILIATE PRE SITES IN EURO AND ASIA *** ? 圹? 圻哕苒 -------------------------------------------------------- ? 圹? 捃哌 哌避 teamppt [at] gmail [dot] com ? 槽? ?懿臂鄄?? ?苒圹
薇臂圹圹圹? 敗苘苘 敗苘苘 敗苘苘 敗苘苘 敗苘苘馨 敗苘苘 ? 苒圻圹? 氨圹圹圹圹? 圹? 圹 圹? 圹 圹? 圹 圹? 圹 ? 圹 ?圹? 圹 圮 苒圹?苒圹
?哕槽曹?? 圹 苘苘 圹 苘? 圹苘 圹苘 圹 哌苘? 咣苓哕 咣圹? 捋圹葸捋圹? 佰? 圹 圹 避 佰? 佰? 圹 苘 圹 避哌圮圯槽鄄
郾圮圮郾? 弑圮圹 郾 圹 弑圮圹 弑圮圹 郾 臂苘圻 哕苒圹哌甙鄄? 咣佰佰佰? 苒圹圻 ?苒卟圹
哕 ??苘? 哌咣圻咣圮? 槽? 苓哕苒? ? 咣咣圹? 膊避懿 ? 圹? 圹? ? RELOADED + ALiAS + 0x0007 + REVOLVER + HI2U ? 圹? 圹? ? JAGUAR + CRD + ROGUE + rG + MAZE + PROFiT ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? ? ? 圹? 圹? 圯 苘苘苓哌?苘圹圹圮?哌哌苘苘? 捋 圹? 圹? 圹 苓?苘?馨臂圻? 哌圹卑?苘?哌? 圹 圹? 圹? 圻圮 苒?苒圹哌?? 苘苘苘? ?斑咣圹?咣? 苒咣 圹? 圹? ? 哌圹苘圹圹 苒? 苘?苘哌弑膊膊哌哕?哕? 咣? 圹圹苘圹哌 ? 圹? 圹? 咣苘 哌咣? 捋 ? 苓苘膊槽圹膊圹圮苓? ? 圯 圹哌? 苘圻 圹? 苒圹? 哌圹圮苘 ?圯 苒圮圻鼙輩圹圹圹鄄槽圹圹苓圮圹?捋 ? 苘苒圹哌 苒圹? 曹咣圹圮? 哌咣?苒 圮 咣 北槽圹圹圹圹膊圹圹?圻 苒 咣苓圻哌 苘圹圹哕? 槽?咣圹圹鄄苘 苒? 哌?坜輩膊圹咣圹弑鄄膊圯?苓? 哕 咣?苘圹圹圹圻 圹? 臂圹? 哌輩圻 懿? 哕苓 ?圻卟膊郯郯鄄槽哌??哕苓 苓 苘 咣圹哌 苒圻? ?策圹? 苓 苒?苓哕 苘 捋掭 甙圹郯? 掭圯 苓? 苓 ? 哕 苒圻?? 敗苒?卑 捋? ? 哕? 咣 輩苘苘膊?咣圮苘苒?? 哕 ? ?鼙 氨 捋苘?? 圹圹? 圯 圹 ?哕 ? 哌苓槽鄄卟 ?策圹圹哕? 哌哕? 圹捋 圹圹郯
圹圯 捋 捋?苓 ? 苒圮卟圮哕斑鼙圹圹圹苓敗哕鄄哕圹?? 佰 捋蒇?捋圹 ? 臂圹 圹蒉圯 哕苓 苒哌苘 臂 弑膊圹圹圹? 郾 苘 咣?哌 掭 捋蒇?圹郾 ? ?槽?圹 咣? 哌 ?弑圹苘? ?苓膊策?? 哕苒郾? ?苓 ?苒咿圯苒??? 卟圮圹?卟 苓哕?哕 甙苒圮 ?? 苒圮斑 哕苓 苘?斑 苒圹策?稗? 哌圹? 甙 哕 苓哌?咣圮 苒圻 苘苘 苘哌 ? 苒圻卟 ?槽? ?懿鞍 咣 ?? 卟卑 ?苒邊 苓? ?哕 ?苓 哕 ? ? 避圻? 捋 哌苘 哕??苓 敗圹郾陛 哕 哕??哌?苓 圯 圮懿? ? 郾 苓咣 哕苒圹郾臂哕苘? 苘? 苒 苒策 敗?? 咣? 哕苘苘苘圹圹郾北圻鼙圹圹圮苘苘苘? 苘圻敗策? 甙
咣?? 哌卟郾北膊哌 哌膊北圹策哌 槽哌氨 o3.2oo9 ? 圮 哌苘? ? 苓?咣苘 苘? 薏 ? ? 圮 哌?哌苘?哌 苘哌 哕 圯 ascii: korma[67] ? 苓 哕 捋 哌苘 哌哌? ?哕苓 捋 ? 馨
苓 圯 哌苘苘苘哌 苘槽? ? ? 捋 苘苒圹苘 苘懿槽圻? ? 哕苒? 苒哌 哌膊圹圹圹鄄哌?
? 哕苘?


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