中文名: 掌握橡皮防守
英文名: Mastering the Rubber Guard
資源格式: DVDRip
課程類型: 體育
主講人: Eddie Bravo
發行日期: 2007年11月
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
Eddie Bravo 在《精通橡皮防守》這暢銷碟中向我們展示了他的半防守,蝴蝶防守和他以之聞名的橡皮防守。這張碟包含了數小時簡單易懂的學習指導和生動的演示。不同於很多讓人無聊到淚目的教學DVD,本DVD包含很多訪談片段。
這片是大家了解和學習rubber guard的好東西...前提是你能聽懂基本的english...但需要施術者柔韌過關...
感覺就是幾個朋友自己做個東西留個紀念...好玩的...大家別太較真 還是不錯的
視頻1 末尾還有他和他學生演的戲...大概就是他裸絞弄暈某不聽話的家伙...
KMP截圖不讓用急速模式 但關了急速模式畫面質量很糟... 所以截下來的圖很不正常
但你們要下下來看 應該不會是這樣 效果要好得多
內容截圖: 目錄:
Disc 1
1: Intro
2: Half guard
3: Lockdown, underhooks, & the whipup
4: Jaws of life
5: Old school
6: The electric chair
7: Stoner control
8: Half guard to full guard
9: The dog fight
10: Half & half
11: Plan B
12: Plan B combo
13: Powder keg
14: The limp arm (DPO)
15: Drowning whizzer
16: The stomp
17: New stomp
18: Super stomp
19: The godfather
20: The godfather sweep
21: The stakeout
22: Quatoof: Attack of the black
23: Rolling stoned take #1
24: Butterfly guard
25: Butterfly guard sweeps
26: Jean Jacques 2
27: Stick shift
28: Jean Jacques 2
29: X-guard
30: Double X
31: Cocoon to X-guard
32: Cocoon to dog fight
33: Temple of Mir: Wake me
34: Rolling stoned take #2
35 The pyramid
36: Tepee
37: Go go plata
38: Loco plata
39: Compelle & the Twister: Pray
40: Eddie punked interview
41: Punking my students
42: Credits
43: Grapplers Quest commercial
Disc 2
1: Intro
2: Rubber guard
3: Basic rubber guard path
4: Mission, retard & crackhead control
5: The zombie
6: Night of the living dead
7: Exhumer
8: Failed hand to the mat
9: Arc Ascending: What you told me
10: Nibiru Warriors Pt 1
11: The Pump
12: Nibiru Warriors Pt 2
13: The duda
14: The crocodile
15: Meat hook to triangle
16: Rolling stoned take #3
17: New York to chill dog
18: East coast croc
19: Rescue dog
20: Invisible collar
21: Invisible collar variation
22: Invisible croc
23: Invisible gator
24: Go go plata
25: Loco plata
26: Swim move
27: Chill dog to jiu claw
28: Kum fu move
29: Crowbar
30: Mad dog
31: The carni
32: Glenn earns his purple belt
33: Temple of Mir: Ride that wave
34: Exchanging techniques with Aoki
35: Nibiru warriors pt 3
36: Rolling stoned take #4
37: The jiu claw
38: Omoplata
39: The D.A.
40: The snitch
41: The Un-winder
42: Punking my students
43: Jiu claw to triangle
44: Inverted arm bar
45: The drowning jiu
46: FM ankle lock
47: Joe Rogan discussion
48: Credits
49: Grapplers Quest commercial
Disc 3
1: Intro
2: Spiderweb
3: Arm crush
4: Drea: Dreamin
5: Rolling stoned take #5
6: Triangle
7: X-break
8: The slide
9: The triangle arm bar
10: The Filho
11: Silverado
12: Chamber lock
13: Compella & the twister: Put ur weed up
14: Japanese DVD
15: Escapes back to guard
16: Jail break
17: Jail break variation
18: Jail break (arm hook variation)
19: The flo
20: The funnel
21: 25 cent
22: Escape from Alcatraz
23: Guantanamo
24: Temple of Mir: Falling under
25: Rolling stoned take #6
26: Troubleshooting
27: Punking Eddie
28: Credits
29: Grapplers Quest