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《飛利浦·法洛的雕塑藝術》(Philippe Faraut The Art of Sculpting Volume 1-3)
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資源類別 藝術體育
發布時間 2017/7/12
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《飛利浦·法洛的雕塑藝術》(Philippe Faraut The Art of Sculpting Volume 1-3) 簡介: 中文名 : 飛利浦·法洛的雕塑藝術 英文名 : Philippe Faraut The Art of Sculpting Volume 1-3 課程類型 : 美術 主講人 : [飛利浦·法洛].(Philippe Faraut) 發行日期 : 2007年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 簡介 : Philippe Faraut美國著名雕塑大師,是一個形象化的藝術家,
"《飛利浦·法洛的雕塑藝術》(Philippe Faraut The Art of Sculpting Volume 1-3)"介紹
中文名: 飛利浦·法洛的雕塑藝術
英文名: Philippe Faraut The Art of Sculpting Volume 1-3
課程類型: 美術
主講人: [飛利浦·法洛].(Philippe Faraut)
發行日期: 2007年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語

Philippe Faraut美國著名雕塑大師,是一個形象化的藝術家,專門從事真實人物的人像雕塑,氣壯山河的石雕雕塑。他的媒體工具選擇是水基粘土和大理石等。
  PCF藝術工作室出品,主創人著名雕塑家Phillipe.Faraut帶來的《飛利浦·法洛的雕塑藝術》(The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut)
Philippe Faraut用水基粘土快速演習於人物雕刻的技巧,包括如何認識針對不同年齡,性別,種族群體。本教學在他美國紐約洲Honeoye的工作室錄制。
The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut
Volume 1: Children
In this first volume of his instructional series, Philippe shares his step-by-step method of construction, as well as a guide to catch and correct common mistakes, while demonstrating in his favorite medium: wet clay. Filmed on location in Honeoye, NY at his studio, this 89 minute sculpting DVD offers instruction easily followed by a beginner and complete enough to keep the interest of the most experienced sculptor.
Running time: 89 minutes Format: DVD
Price: $69.95
The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut
Volume 2: Expressions and Facial Construction
In this volume which covers individual features of different expressions, Philippe demonstrates rapid exercises in water-based clay that are useful for developing sculpting skills, including how to recognize volumes specific to different ages, genders, and ethnic groups. This 110 minute sculpting DVD also includes a comprehensive demonstration on hollowing and firing techniques.
Running time: 110 minutes Format: DVD
Price: $69.95
The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut
Volume 3: Men
In this third installment of his instructional series, Philippe Faraut focuses on modeling the heads of men. His demonstrations include basic structure comparisons of different ethnicities, techniques for modifying expressions, the mechanics of the aging process and facial weight distribution for heavy-set men. In addition, he completes one bust of a man including hair and clothing. This 111-minute production was created for the advanced artist.
Running time: 111 minutes Format: DVD
Price: $69.95
Available as a Set: The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut
DVD Volumes 1, 2, & 3 for $174.95

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