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《HTML5本地存儲與離線應用視頻教程》(HTML5 Local Storage and Offline Applications in Depth)[光盤鏡像]
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《HTML5本地存儲與離線應用視頻教程》(HTML5 Local Storage and Offline Applications in Depth)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 網頁設
"《HTML5本地存儲與離線應用視頻教程》(HTML5 Local Storage and Offline Applications in Depth)[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 網頁設計教程/視頻教程/軟件
  • 計算機資料

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Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時21分鐘的 HTML5: 深入學習本地存儲與離線應用 視頻教程。由Bill Weinman講述怎樣能夠把網站信息數據存儲到本地的計算機上,並能以後需要的時候使用它,包括離線執行。內容涵蓋HTML5的各種本地存儲方式(如本地存儲和session存儲),Web SQL和索引數據庫(Indexed Database APIs),以及實例演示怎樣創建並維護一個數據庫的詳細講解等。本教程附帶練習文件。

HTML5: Local Storage and Offline Applications in Depth describes how to save application data such as preferences or form data in the client's browser and use it in applications, including those run offline. Author and programmer Bill Weinman covers the various local storage options provided in HTML5, including local storage, session storage, and the Web SQL and Indexed Database APIs, with practical examples that show how to create and maintain a database in each scenario. The course also covers the use of storage events for change tracking and the cache manifest for using web applications offline. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:
Understanding storage components of the HTML5 architecture
Providing client-side storage
Understanding the Storage() interface
Keeping context with sessionStorage
Understanding the Web SQL and Indexed Database APIs
Creating a local storage database
Reading, writing, editing, and deleting storage data
Handling storage events with local storage
Running applications offline

Course name: HTML5: Local Storage and Offline Applications in Depth

Author: Bill Weinman

Duration: 02h 21m

Released on: 6/1/2011


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