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發布時間 2017/7/14
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《電影拍攝教程Z1U&FX1攝像機使用教程》[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 生活百


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  • 數碼攝影教程

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"A Complete Guide to the Z1U & FX1 Camcorders"整個完整采用Z1和FX1攝像機以HDV格式拍攝,在FCP中編輯。


這個超過100分鐘的DVD將告訴你快速使用Sony HDV攝像機拍攝所需的一切知識。


代碼 HandsOnHDV:

"A Complete Guide to the Z1U & FX1 Camcorders" was shot entirely in HDV with Z1 and FX1 camcorders, edited with FCP, and output in 16x9 SD for the DVD. Throughout the video, a variety of video shooting modes are demonstrated and explained, including Cineframe 24, CinemaTone, and customized Picture Profiles.

This is not a bench-top demonstration or in-studio camera review. It is an in-depth training video with shooting done by professionals with years of ENG/EFP broadcast shooting experience. Shooting took place over a four week period in many locations of the country, under different conditions, indoors, outdoors, lit, natural light, sports, b-roll, interview setups, and in-studio, to give as much variety as possible to the demonstrations and examples.

An EXTRAS folder is included on the DVD with several exclusive documents, including: A detailed reference chart that outlines every customizable setting of all six of the default Picture Profiles so you can compare them and see the differences. Also included is a comparison chart of the major differences between the Z1 and the FX1. Some features discussed in the video only apply to the Z1 and this chart helps identify those differences.

This 100 minute DVD will tell you everything you'll need to know to get up and running quickly with either of the Sony HDV pro camcorders. All of the essential features and functions are covered in detail.




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