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《大洋之間的燈光》(The Light Between Oceans)文字版;
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發布時間 2017/7/17
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《大洋之間的燈光》(The Light Between Oceans)文字版; 簡介:   導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 圖書fenlei: 歷史/官場 中文名: 大洋之間的燈光 發行時間: 2012年07月31日 原名: The Light Between Oceans 資源格式: EPUB 版本: 文字版;第1版 簡介: The Light Between
"《大洋之間的燈光》(The Light Between Oceans)文字版;"介紹
  導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 圖書fenlei: 歷史/官場 中文名: 大洋之間的燈光 發行時間: 2012年07月31日 原名: The Light Between Oceans 資源格式: EPUB 版本: 文字版;第1版 簡介: The Light Between 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 圖書fenlei: 歷史/官場 中文名: 大洋之間的燈光 發行時間: 2012年07月31日 原名: The Light Between Oceans 資源格式: EPUB 版本: 文字版;第1版 簡介:
The Light Between Oceans 被評為2012年度美國最佳歷史小說。作者的寫作十分優美,故事也觸動人心。喜愛小說的大家一定不要錯過。
一戰的退伍軍人Tom帶著妻子Isabel來到澳洲大陸西邊的一個小島上生活。作為燈塔的看守人,他們的工作是照顧燈塔和小島,以及記錄周圍海域發生的事情。補給船每三個月來一次,他們每三年才回一次澳洲。不幸的是,Isabel三度懷孕都未能順利產出嬰兒。正在他們被第三次失敗的陰霾所籠罩的時候,一艘小船漂到了小島上。船上竟有一具男屍和一個女嬰。Isabel覺得這一定是上帝的旨意,希望能撫養這個孩子。Tom 想要減輕妻子三度失去孩子的痛苦,便沒有通報上級,把男屍埋葬了。他們快樂地一起生活在島上數年,Tom 和 Isabel 也愛這個小孩如己出。但是有關女孩的真相也漸漸浮出水面⋯⋯
[b]Amazon.com Review[/b]
Amazon Best Books of the Month, August 2012:
Tom Sherbourne is a lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, a tiny island a half day’s boat journey from the coast of Western Australia. When a baby washes up in a rowboat, he and his young wife Isabel decide to raise the child as their own. The baby seems like a gift from God, and the couple’s reasoning for keeping her seduces the reader into entering the waters of treacherous morality even as Tom--whose moral code withstood the horrors of World War I--begins to waver. M. L. Stedman’s vivid characters and gorgeous descriptions of the solitude of Janus Rock and of the unpredictable Australian frontier create a perfect backdrop for the tale of longing, loss, and the overwhelming love for a child that is The Light Between Oceans. --Malissa Kent
The debut of a stunning new voice in fiction— a novel both heartbreaking and transcendent
After four harrowing years on the Western Front, Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia and takes a job as the lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, nearly half a day’s journey from the coast. To this isolated island, where the supply boat comes once a season and shore leaves are granted every other year at best, Tom brings a young, bold, and loving wife, Isabel. Years later, after two miscarriages and one stillbirth, the grieving Isabel hears a baby’s cries on the wind. A boat has washed up onshore carrying a dead man and a living baby.
Tom, whose records as a lighthouse keeper are meticulous and whose moral principles have withstood a horrific war, wants to report the man and infant immediately. But Isabel has taken the tiny baby to her breast. Against Tom’s judgment, they claim her as their own and name her Lucy. When she is two, Tom and Isabel return to the mainland and are reminded that there are other people in the world. Their choice has devastated one of them.
M. L. Stedman’s mesmerizing, beautifully written novel seduces us into accommodating Isabel’s decision to keep this “gift from God.” And we are swept into a story about extraordinarily compelling characters seeking to find their North Star in a world where there is no right answer, where justice for one person is another’s tragic loss.
The Light Between Oceans is exquisite and unforgettable, a deeply moving novel.
目錄: Cover
About M. L. Stedman
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part One
27th April 1926
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part Two
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Part Three
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

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