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《老狗還會學新把戲嗎?》(Can An Old Dog Learn New
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《老狗還會學新把戲嗎?》(Can An Old Dog Learn New 簡介:   導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 簡介: 內容介紹:圖書為原版高清PDF插圖版,質量很高,內容也很有趣,推薦下載。Bats are blind.An old dog cannot learn new tricks.The early bird catches the worm.You ma
"《老狗還會學新把戲嗎?》(Can An Old Dog Learn New"介紹
  導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 簡介: 內容介紹:圖書為原版高清PDF插圖版,質量很高,內容也很有趣,推薦下載。Bats are blind.An old dog cannot learn new tricks.The early bird catches the worm.You ma 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 簡介:
Bats are blind.
An old dog cannot learn new tricks.
The early bird catches the worm.
You may have heard some of these common sayings or beliefs before. But are they really true?Can they be proven using science? LetΓÇÖs investigate seventeen statements about animals and find out which ones are right, which ones are wrong, and which ones still stump scientists! Find out whether a cat always lands on its feet after a fall! Discover whether camels store water in their humps! See if you can tell the difference between fact and fiction with "Is That a fact?"

引用靈語網絡英語培訓班持續招生,詳情請咨詢QQ:27673495 中文名: 老狗還會學新把戲嗎? 發行時間: 2009年 原名: Can An Old Dog Learn New Tricks 資源格式: PDF 版本: 插圖版 目錄: Index
alligators, 26–27
barbs, 19
bats, 16–17
birds, 6–7, 12–13, 24–25,
blood-brain barrier, 31
camels, 36–37
cats, 14–15, 34–35
dogs, 10–11
echolocation, 17
fish, 9, 20–21
fledgling, 7
gizzard, 13
high-rise syndrome, 15
lemmings, 28–29
migrate, 28–29
nutrients, 11
olfactory lobe, 6–7
opossums, 22–23
ostriches, 12–13
parasites, 31
pheromone, 33
porcupines, 18–19
praying mantis, 32–33
predators, 8, 12, 19, 21, 29
proteins, 5
quills, 18–19
sharks, 8–9, 21
spiders, 5
worms, 24–25, 30–31

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