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《半導體器件物理 第三版》(Physics of Semiconducto
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《半導體器件物理 第三版》(Physics of Semiconducto 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: 經典國外原版電子類教材,影音清楚,完美版! 放心下載,質量絕對滿意!The Third Edition of the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices This classic book has set the standard f
"《半導體器件物理 第三版》(Physics of Semiconducto"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: 經典國外原版電子類教材,影音清楚,完美版! 放心下載,質量絕對滿意!The Third Edition of the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices This classic book has set the standard f 簡介:

經典國外原版電子類教材,影音清楚,完美版! 放心下載,質量絕對滿意!
The Third Edition of the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices
This classic book has set the standard for advanced study and reference in the semiconductor device field. Now completely updated and reorganized to reflect the tremendous advances in device concepts and performance, this Third Edition remains the most detailed and exhaustive single source of information on the most important semiconductor devices. It gives readers immediate access to detailed descriptions of the underlying physics and performance characteristics of all major bipolar, field-effect, microwave, photonic, and sensor devices.
Designed for graduate textbook adoptions and reference needs, this new edition includes:
A complete update of the latest developments
New devices such as three-dimensional MOSFETs, MODFETs, resonant-tunneling diodes, semiconductor sensors, quantum-cascade lasers, single-electron transistors, real-space transfer devices, and more
Materials completely reorganized
Problem sets at the end of each chapter
All figures reproduced at the highest quality
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Third Edition offers engineers, research scientists, faculty, and students a practical basis for understanding the most important devices in use today and for evaluating future device performance and limitations.
A Solutions Manual is available from the editorial department.

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