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《郵件自動整理軟件》(Pergenex Auto-Mate Pro)v5.0/32bit+64bit/含注冊機[壓縮包]
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《郵件自動整理軟件》(Pergenex Auto-Mate Pro)v5.0/32bit+64bit/含注冊機[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 引用 use our keygen 引用 Auto-Mate requires Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007, or Outlook 20
"《郵件自動整理軟件》(Pergenex Auto-Mate Pro)v5.0/32bit+64bit/含注冊機[壓縮包]"介紹


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引用 use our keygen 引用 Auto-Mate requires Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007, or Outlook 2010 and the Microsoft .NET runtime version 2.0.

問題反饋: http://www.pergenex.com/support/index.shtml
網站鏈接: http://www.pergenex.com/auto-mate/index.shtml


There's nothing more frustrating than rummaging through a cluttered Inbox full of email messages when you're looking for specific information. It's easy to let messages pile up in your Inbox and eventually it becomes unmanageable because you don't want to go through each message individually and make a decision on whether to delete it or to leave it alone.

One of the best things to do to reduce Inbox clutter is after reading a message, either delete it or move it.

Leave it in your Inbox only if it needs action. It is also recommended that users create subfolders to file messages by topic or user. This seems like an easy process to follow, but it often becomes a very difficult thing to keep up with.

Pergenex Software comes to the rescue by Auto-Mating your folders! Auto-Mate Add-in for Microsoft® Outlook® can automatically file and delete your mail for you.

Imagine starting Outlook® with an empty Inbox every morning! Auto-Mate is your personal assistant to help you get and stay organized and be productive.

Auto-Mate is available in two versions...Standard and Pro. Compare the features here.

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