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《Gnomon出品海報漫畫:性感藝術通過姿勢與表情傳達系列視頻教程》(The Gnomon Workshop Comic Book Pin Ups)[光盤鏡像]
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《Gnomon出品海報漫畫:性感藝術通過姿勢與表情傳達系列視頻教程》(The Gnomon Workshop Comic Book Pin Ups)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Gnomon出品海報漫畫:性感藝術通過姿勢與表情傳達系列視頻教程 英文名 : The Gnomon Workshop Comic Book Pin Ups 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介 Gnomon workshop是世界權威的CG視頻網站. 他們在CG視頻教程中
"《Gnomon出品海報漫畫:性感藝術通過姿勢與表情傳達系列視頻教程》(The Gnomon Workshop Comic Book Pin Ups)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Gnomon出品海報漫畫:性感藝術通過姿勢與表情傳達系列視頻教程
英文名: The Gnomon Workshop Comic Book Pin Ups
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Gnomon workshop是世界權威的CG視頻網站. 他們在CG視頻教程中是高質量的代名詞.他們定期邀請全世界的頂尖CG藝術家來為他們制作CG視頻教程,內容涵蓋面非常廣。
Gnomon教程. 讓我們在CG設計路上不再獨行~ 讓我們共同期待與業界CG頂尖設計師的面對面~ 少玩多花些時間多學習學習,讓我們的商業作品與眾不同~ Gnomon的教程向來以其前沿的技術和清晰的視頻質量而受到廣大用戶的青睐. ........
該教程為 The Gnomon Workshop出品的《 Comic Book Pin Ups》系列教學。
Gnomon工作室出品的 海報漫畫 - 性感藝術通過姿勢與表情傳達 視頻教程。
在這張時長2小時32分的DVD教學中,Joe Benitez揭露繪制性感漫畫風格的人物Pin-Up插畫的秘密。性感與魅力的傳達可以通過均衡比例,縮短法(foreshortening),扭曲和曲線等多種方式繪制。還探討怎樣繪制傳達正確的情緒或感情的臉部表情,以及如何連貫人物的一致性。
簡介翻譯摘自 (xuehui@TLF)
In this DVD, Joe Benitez unveils the secrets of drawing alluring comic book style pin-up characters. Sex appeal and allure is conveyed through many methods including stylized proportions, foreshortening, twists and curves. The importance of facial expression is also discussed in the context of conveying the right mood or emotion, along how this ties the character together. Instructor for this title: Joe Benitez
* 3D Depth in 2D Space
* Conveying Sex Appeal
* "Posing" the Hair
* Finding Accurate Proportions
* Foreshortening
* Drawing Females vs. Drawing Males
* Expression and Emotion in the Face and Pose
* Classic Pin-Up Pose Breakdowns
* Twisting the Spine for more Dynamic Poses
* Keeping the Female Face Young
* Drawing the Face in Various Angles and Emotions

Joe Benitez
Comic Book Artist
Joe Benitez is an American comic book artist who has worked on such titles as JLA, Superman/Batman, Detective Comics, Supergirl, and Titans for DC Comics and The Darkness for Image Comics. He also co-created and penciled the sci-fi series Weapon Zero and the dark fantasy mini-series Magdalena: Blood Divine for Image. In 2005, Joe published his first creator-owned mini-series Wraithborn through Wildstorm. In 2009, he stepped in to finish up Michael Turner's run on Soulfire. Joe is currently working on a new creator-owned series, Lady Mechanika, published by Aspen Comics.


對於此前由於各種原因未能下載完成的童鞋表示抱歉 該資源現已重新供源 並打成壓縮包 全力上傳中 希望下載完成的網友能幫助分流保源 請大家刪除原來的鏡像文件。下載現在這個壓縮包 本人供源截圖如下:

1. Chapters Quick Preliminary Figure Sketches
2. Quick Faces
3. Reclining Figures
4. Emphasizing Emotion with the Pose
5. Standing Figure "Cute Girl"
6. Basic Facial Expression
7. Using Curves to Explore Pose
8. Multiple Figure Composition
9. Sex Appeal
10. Action Pose I
11. Action Pose II
12. Crawling Figure "Vampirella"
13. Standing Figure "Bad-Ass Chick"
14. Quick Preliminary Expression Sketches
15. Conveying Anger in the Male Face
16. Conveying Anger in the Female Face
17. Drawing the Default Face at Various Angles
18. A Range of Emotion in the Default Face
19. A Range of Emotion in the Profile Face
20. A Range of Emotion - Low and High Angles

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: The GNOMON Workshop - Comic Book Pin Ups with Joe Benitez
The Art of Sex Appeal through Pose and Expression
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