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《VTC Adobe Flash CS4視頻教程》(VTC Adobe Flash CS4 Video)[光盤鏡像]
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《VTC Adobe Flash CS4視頻教程》(VTC Adobe Flash CS4 Video)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : VTC Adobe Flash CS4視頻教程 英文名 : VTC Adobe Flash CS4 Video 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2009年02月17日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://www.vtc.com/products/Adobe-Flash-CS4-Video-T
"《VTC Adobe Flash CS4視頻教程》(VTC Adobe Flash CS4 Video)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: VTC Adobe Flash CS4視頻教程
英文名: VTC Adobe Flash CS4 Video
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2009年02月17日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

翻譯 by 李沖@TLF
VTC出品的Adobe Flash CS4視頻教程,Michael Hurwicz主講,時長8.5小時,121節課程。
教程中,VTC作者Michael Hurwicz將提供發布Flash視頻方案所有必要的資訊。快速為你的網站添加一個視頻,簡便優致地定制一個你自己設計的播放器,這部指南將提供你完成網絡視頻目標的所需基礎。加入網絡視頻革命:創建你自己的領先技術;使用Flash CS4 Pro建立富媒體網站。教程包含練習文件。

Flash is by far the leading web video platform, enabling you to put your marketing message or artistic vision online in a form that can be viewed by almost anyone with a web browser. In these tutorials, VTC author, Michael Hurwicz, provides all the information you need to publish your own Flash video projects. From putting a video onto your website quickly, easily and elegantly to implementing a customized video player of your own design, these tutorials will provide the foundation you need to accomplish your goals with web video. Join the web video revolution: Create your own cutting edge; media-rich web sites with Flash CS4 Professional. Work Files are included. To begin learning today, simply click on one of the movie links.

nethero@TLF-ED => 994.0MB

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: VTC - Adobe Flash CS4 Video

Flash is by far the leading web video platform, enabling you to put
your marketing message or artistic vision online in a form that can
be viewed by almost anyone with a web browser. In these tutorials, VTC
author, Michael Hurwicz, provides all the information you need to
publish your own Flash video projects. From putting a video onto your
website quickly, easily and elegantly to implementing a customized
video player of your own design, these tutorials will provide the
foundation you need to accomplish your goals with web video. Join the
web video revolution: Create your own cutting edge; media-rich web
sites with Flash CS4 Professional. Work Files are included. To begin
learning today, simply click on one of the movie links.
Work Files included.
: http://www.vtc.com/products/Adobe-Flash-CS4-Video-Tutorials.htm

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8 b. Mount/Burn 8
8 c. Play & Learn 8
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