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《Flash Professional CS5 快速入門教程》(QuickStart Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Tutorials )[光盤鏡像]
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《Flash Professional CS5 快速入門教程》(QuickStart Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Tutorials )[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 動畫動
"《Flash Professional CS5 快速入門教程》(QuickStart Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Tutorials )[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 動畫動漫制作flash教程與軟件
  • 計算機資料

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VTC 出品的 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 快速入門教程.
主講: Rick Martin
時長: 2.5個小時

Flash 已經成為開發動畫和網站及應用、在線游戲、實時音頻和視頻服務等多媒體的行業標准工具很久了. 在該快速入門教程中.Rick Martin 講師會通過討論Flash CS5新的功能、和Flash有關的文件類型以及 Flash CS5的界面來引導大家學習Flash Professional CS5.............

Adobe Flash has long been the industry standard tool for developing animation and rich media content for web sites and applications, online games, streaming audio and video, and more. In this QuickStart! course, author Rick Martin guides you through an introduction to Adobe Flash Professional CS5 by discussing new features in Flash CS5, the file types associated with Flash, and the Flash CS5 interface. He will demonstrate the most efficient ways to create, modify, and animate graphic content using symbols and instances, sound and video, and ActionScript. Before wrapping up the course, he will show you how to publish what you've created.


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