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《Maya 2011結合Mudbox 2011制作逼真手視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Modeling Realistic Hands in Maya 2011 and Mudbox 20
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《Maya 2011結合Mudbox 2011制作逼真手視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Modeling Realistic Hands in Maya 2011 and Mudbox 20 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: May
"《Maya 2011結合Mudbox 2011制作逼真手視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Modeling Realistic Hands in Maya 2011 and Mudbox 20"介紹


  • Maya教程/視頻教程
  • 計算機資料

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Digital Tutors 出品的時長2小時45分鐘視頻教學:Maya 2011結合Mudbox 2011制作真實手
本教學探索使用Maya結合Mudbox 制作真實手的方法。首先分析手的比例大小,然後使用工具雕刻出手的基本幾何造型。接下來進入Mudbox網格模型進行細節雕刻,如皮膚皺紋,關節,皮膚紋理。最後輸出幾何模型再導入Maya完成最終結果。

引用 簡介翻譯轉自xuehui@TLF


In this course we will explore methods for building realistic hands using Maya and Mudbox.

Hands are one of the most expressive parts of many of the characters we create. Because of this, a lot of time should often be spent focusing on the hands. There are, of course, a nearly infinite number of styles in which to build a hand. In this course, we will concentrate on a hand that can go with a more realistic character. We'll start by talking a little about the proportions and anatomy of hands. Then we'll go over tools and methods for creating base geometry with topology that will help in sculpting and animating. Then we'll take the mesh into Mudbox and begin sculpting high-resolution details such as skin wrinkles, knuckles, and skin textures. Finally, we'll take our geometry and maps out of Mudbox and back into Maya. Once you've completed this course, you'll have a much better idea of how to go about building hands for your characters and how to create the detail you need in a useable state.



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