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《After Effects跟蹤與摳像合成技術視頻教程》(After Effects Apprentice 12 Tracking and Keying)[光盤鏡像]
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《After Effects跟蹤與摳像合成技術視頻教程》(After Effects Apprentice 12 Tracking and Keying)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 影視音
"《After Effects跟蹤與摳像合成技術視頻教程》(After Effects Apprentice 12 Tracking and Keying)[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 影視音樂後期處理制作軟件與教程
  • 計算機資料
  • After Effects視頻處理編輯視頻教程與軟件

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Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時16分鐘的 After Effects系列學習第12部:跟蹤與摳像合成技術 視頻教程。教學由Chris Meye演示了如何使用後顯示如何處理各種不同的拍攝效果和內置的運動跟蹤和穩定。該課程包括一個快速浏覽的第三方軟件摩卡,並演示了工作流程,包括跟蹤藍綠與手持相機拍攝,並更換其背景。課程包括練習文件。

Course name: After Effects Apprentice 12: Tracking and Keying

Authors: Chris Meyer,Trish Meyer

Duration: 02h 16m

Released on: 11/23/2011

In this course, Chris Meyer explores how to use the motion tracker and stabilizer built into After Effects and shows how to handle a variety of shots. The course includes a quick tour of the third-party software mocha and demonstrates the workflow for The Foundry's KEYLIGHT, both bundled with After Effects. The course also covers tracking a greenscreen shot with a handheld camera and replacing its background. Exercise files are included with the course.

The After Effects Apprentice videos on lynda.com were created by Trish and Chris Meyer and are designed to be used on their own and as a companion to their book After Effects Apprentice. We are honored to host these tutorials in the lynda.com Online Training Library®.

Topics include:
Understanding motion stabilization and keying
Performing a track
Applying tracking to effects
Keying with KEYLIGHT
Replacing images
Improving the composite
Garbage masking
Dealing with interlaced footage


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