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《現代批判理論》(Critical Theory Today A User-Friendl
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《現代批判理論》(Critical Theory Today A User-Friendl 簡介:   導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 圖書fenlei: 文化 中文名: 現代批判理論 發行時間: 2006年 原名: Critical Theory Today A User-Friendly Guide 資源格式: PDF 版本: 第二版 簡介: 用Foxit Reader最新版打開
"《現代批判理論》(Critical Theory Today A User-Friendl"介紹
  導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 圖書fenlei: 文化 中文名: 現代批判理論 發行時間: 2006年 原名: Critical Theory Today A User-Friendly Guide 資源格式: PDF 版本: 第二版 簡介: 用Foxit Reader最新版打開 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 圖書fenlei: 文化 中文名: 現代批判理論 發行時間: 2006年 原名: Critical Theory Today A User-Friendly Guide 資源格式: PDF 版本: 第二版 簡介:
用Foxit Reader最新版打開pdf

目錄: Preface to the second edition xi
Preface for instructors xiii
Acknowledgments xv
1 Everything you wanted to know about critical theory but were
afraid to ask 1
2 Psychoanalytic criticism 11
The origins of the unconscious 12
The defenses, anxiety, and core issues 15
Dreams and dream symbols 18
The meaning of death 21
The meaning of sexuality 24
Lacanian psychoanalysis 26
Classical psychoanalysis and literature 34
Some questions psychoanalytic critics ask about literary texts 37
“What’s Love Got to Do with It?”: a psychoanalytic reading
of The Great Gatsby 39
Questions for further practice: psychoanalytic approaches
to other literary works 49
For further reading 50
For advanced readers 50
3 Marxist criticism 53
The fundamental premises of Marxism 53
The class system in America 55
The role of ideology 56
Human behavior, the commodity, and the family 61
Marxism and literature 64
Some questions Marxist critics ask about literary texts 68
You are what you own: a Marxist reading of The Great Gatsby 69
Questions for further practice: Marxist approaches to other
literary works 79
For further reading 79
For advanced readers 80

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