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《魔鬼雙瞳》(Two Evil Eyes)思路[720P]
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資源類別 人文社科
發布時間 2017/7/18
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《魔鬼雙瞳》(Two Evil Eyes)思路[720P] 簡介: ◎譯 名 魔鬼雙瞳/雙兇眼 ◎片 名 Two Evil Eyes ◎年 代 1990 ◎國 家 美國/意大利 ◎類 別 恐怖/喜劇 ◎語 言 英語 ◎字 幕 英語 ◎IMDB評分 5.9/10 (1,636 votes) ◎IMDB鏈接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100827/ ◎導 演 達裏歐·阿基多 Dario Argento ....(episod
"《魔鬼雙瞳》(Two Evil Eyes)思路[720P]"介紹

◎譯 名 魔鬼雙瞳/雙兇眼
◎片 名 Two Evil Eyes
◎年 代 1990
◎國 家 美國/意大利
◎類 別 恐怖/喜劇
◎語 言 英語
◎字 幕 英語
◎IMDB評分 5.9/10 (1,636 votes)
◎IMDB鏈接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100827/
◎導 演 達裏歐·阿基多 Dario Argento ....(episode "The Black Cat")
喬治·A·羅梅羅 George A. Romero ....1 (episode "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
◎主 演 阿德裏安娜·巴比歐 Adrienne Barbeau ....Jessica Valdemar (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Ramy Zada ....Dr. Robert Hoffman (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Bingo O'Malley ....Ernest Valdemar (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Jeff Howell ....Policeman (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
E.G. Marshall ....Steven Pike (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
哈威·凱特爾 Harvey Keitel ....Roderick Usher (segment "The Black Cat")
Madeleine Potter ....Annabel (segment "The Black Cat")
約翰·阿莫斯 John Amos ....Det. Legrand (segment "The Black Cat")
Sally Kirkland ....Eleonora ("The Black Cat")
金·亨特 Kim Hunter ....Mrs. Pym (segment "The Black Cat")
Holter Graham ....Christian (segment "The Black Cat")
馬丁·鮑爾薩姆 Martin Balsam ....Mr. Pym (segment "The Black Cat")
Chuck Aber ....Mr. Pratt (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Jonathan Adams ....Hammer (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Tom Atkins ....Det. Grogan (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Mitchell Baseman ....Boy at Zoo (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
朱莉·本茨 Julie Benz ....Betty (segment "The Black Cat")
Barbara Bryne ....Martha (segment "The Black Cat")
Mario CaputoLanene Charters ....Bonnie (segment "The Black Cat")
Bill Dalzell III ....Detective (as Bill Dalzell III)
Anthony Dileo Jr. ....Taxi Driver (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
克裏斯汀·弗瑞斯特 Christine Forrest ....Nurse (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar") (as Cristine Forrest)
J.R. Hall ....2nd Policeman (segment "The Black Cat")
Scott House ....3rd Policeman (segment "The Black Cat")
James MacDonald ....Luke (segment "The Black Cat") (as James G. MacDonald)
Charles McPhersonLarry John Meyers ....Old Man (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Jeff MonahanFred MooreChristina Romero ....Mother at Zoo (segment "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar")
Peggy Sanders ....Young Policewoman (segment "The Black Cat")
Ben TatarLou Valenzi ....Editor (segment "The Black Cat")
Jeffrey Wild ....Delivery Man (segment "The Black Cat")
Ted Worsley ....Desk Editor (segment "The Black Cat")
Jonathan Sachar ....Officer Brian (segment "The Black Cat") (uncredited)
Tom Savini ....The Monomaniac (segment "The Black Cat") (uncredited)
◎簡 介
影片由兩個故事組合而成。《關於瓦德莫爾先生的事實/The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar》:一個女人的老公,瀕臨死亡躺在病床上,女人爲了得到他老公的全部財産,請來了一位催眠大師,替老公催眠以便獲得他財産的所有信息,當他老公準備告訴她的時候,卻斷了氣;逝者死不瞑目,決定報複她的妻子。《黑貓/The Black Cat》:一位從事法庭鑒定工作的女士,從大街上撿回來一隻流浪貓,這讓她的男朋友非常不高興,他把一個皮球扔到房間外面,企圖擺脫這隻小貓,但事情遠遠沒有他想的那麽簡單,惡魔才剛剛開始……

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