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《G4:奇妙的科學》(G4: Its Effin Science)更新至第10集[DSR]
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資源類別 人文社科
發布時間 2017/7/18
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《G4:奇妙的科學》(G4: Its Effin Science)更新至第10集[DSR] 簡介: 【類型】: 紀錄 【影片長度】: 平均40分鍾 【集數】:未知 【字幕】: 暫無 【服務器】: 隨機 【分享時間】:全天 【內容介紹】: G4的最新原創系列It's Effin' Science,利用身邊的科學創造觀衆們一直夢想的新鮮玩意,渴望的發明等等。如糖驅動導彈、自制的夜視鏡等等。(文:life_is_good@YDY) Blasting a Port-a-Potty 100 f
"《G4:奇妙的科學》(G4: Its Effin Science)更新至第10集[DSR]"介紹

【類型】: 紀錄
【影片長度】: 平均40分鍾
【字幕】: 暫無
【服務器】: 隨機
G4的最新原創系列It's Effin' Science,利用身邊的科學創造觀衆們一直夢想的新鮮玩意,渴望的發明等等。如糖驅動導彈、自制的夜視鏡等等。(文:life_is_good@YDY)
Blasting a Port-a-Potty 100 feet in the air using sugar powered rockets? Constructing home-made night vision goggles that actually work? Pulling off foolproof bar bets backed by scientific theory? This isn't science, "It's Effin' Science", G4's newest, original series with one goal in mind; hack science to do, build and create the kind of stuff that viewers have always wanted, wish they'd invented or didn't know they needed. Each episode is jam-packed with experiments, practical jokes and sure-fire bets - all created and proven through science. Hosted by comedians Angie Greenup and Marc Horowitz and engineer Chad Zdenek, the series sets out to explore the weird, wild and off-beat side of science. "It's Effin' Science" premieres Tuesday, June 15th at 9 PM ET/PT immediately following G4's live E3 coverage.

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