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《終結者外傳 第二季》(Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles season 2)德英雙語版/更新至第02集[DVDRip]
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發布時間 2017/7/18
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《終結者外傳 第二季》(Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles season 2)德英雙語版/更新至第02集[DVDRip] 簡介: 簡介: 【類型】: 科幻/劇情 【影片長度】: 平均40分鍾 【字幕】: 暫無 【集數】:全季22集 【服務器】: 隨機 【分享時間】:全天24小時 【內容介紹】: 在《終結者2:審判日》的最後,莎拉打敗了從未來來殺她兒子約翰的終結者。如今,莎拉和約翰發現他們身處一個危險而複雜的世界之中。逃離法律的制裁,他們隨時面臨著更多敵人的攻擊。有來自未來的,也有現在的。 在《魔鬼終結者之莎拉·康
"《終結者外傳 第二季》(Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles season 2)德英雙語版/更新至第02集[DVDRip]"介紹

【類型】: 科幻/劇情
【影片長度】: 平均40分鍾
【字幕】: 暫無
【服務器】: 隨機
The Sarah Connor Chronicles is an American television series scheduled to debut on the U.S. television network Fox in early 2008,Sundays at 9 PM Eastern. It is a continuation of the Terminator film franchise. Produced by Warner Bros. Television and C2-Pictures, it will revolve around the life of Sarah Connor, and her son, John Connor after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The series will also air on Virgin 1 in the United Kingdom.[4] On July 22, 2007, the first episode was leaked on the internet.
At the end of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Sarah, John and the Terminator successfully destroy the T-1000 and the arm and computer chip from the first Terminator. Sarah and John then watch as the Terminator is lowered into a molten steel pit in an attempt to destroy all future technology that could be used to create Skynet. Sarah and John now find themselves alone in a very dangerous and complicated world. As fugitives from the law, they are confronted with the reality that still more enemies from the future, and the present, could attack at any moment.
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