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《魔鬼經濟學》(Freakonomics)掃描版[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : 魔鬼經濟學 原名 : Freakonomics 作者 : Steven D. Levitt,Stephen J. Dubner 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 掃描版 出版社 : arper Collins USA 書號 : 0061956279 發行時間 : 2009年8月1日 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 內容介紹: : 《魔鬼經濟學
中文名: 魔鬼經濟學
原名: Freakonomics
作者: Steven D. Levitt,Stephen J. Dubner
資源格式: PDF
版本: 掃描版
出版社: arper Collins USA
書號: 0061956279
發行時間: 2009年8月1日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

In the summer of 2003, the New York Times Magazine sent Stephen J. Dubner, an author and journalist, to write a profile of Steven D. Levitt, a heralded young economist at the University of Chicago. Levitt was not remotely interested in the things that interest most economists. More...
Instead, he studied the riddles of everyday lifefrom cheating to crime to child-rearingand his conclusions turned the conventional wisdom on its head. For instance, he argued that one of the main causes of the crime drop of the 1990s was the legalization of abortion twenty years earlier. (Unwanted children have a greater likelihood of becoming criminals; with so many unwanted children being aborted in the 1970s, the pool of potential criminals had significantly shrunk by the 1990s.) The Times article yielded an unprecedented response, a deluge of interest from thousands of curious, inspired, and occasionally distraught readers. Levitt and Dubner collaborated on a book that gives full play to Levitts most compelling ideas. Through forceful storytelling and pungent insight. FREAKONOMICS reminds us all that economics is, at root, the study of incentiveshow people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing. Among the questions it answers: Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? If drug dealers make so much money, why do they still live with their mothers? What makes a perfect parent? And, of course: What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? (Answer: they both cheat.)


Introducyion: The hidden side of everything 3
what do schoolteachers and sumo wretlershave in common? 19
How is the ku klux klan like a group of real estate agents? 55
why do drug dealers still live with their moms? 89
where have all the criminals gone? 117
what makes a perfect parent? 147
perfect parenting, part or would a roshanda by any other name smell as sweet? 179
two paths to harvard 205
notes 209
acknowledgments 231
index 233 

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