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《網頁設計技巧,訣竅和修正第1卷》(Web Design
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《網頁設計技巧,訣竅和修正第1卷》(Web Design 簡介:   導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 簡介: 內容介紹:網頁設計當然少不了相關的設計軟件,比如Fireworks、Dreamweaver、flash......等等。但這裡不是注重工具軟件的使用,而是更加注重編程。這 資源介紹
"《網頁設計技巧,訣竅和修正第1卷》(Web Design"介紹
  導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 簡介: 內容介紹:網頁設計當然少不了相關的設計軟件,比如Fireworks、Dreamweaver、flash......等等。但這裡不是注重工具軟件的使用,而是更加注重編程。這 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 美國 簡介:

http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=394692&uk;=4263185306 中文名: 網頁設計技巧,訣竅和修正第1卷 發行時間: 2013年01月15日 原名: Web Design Tips, Tricks & Fixes Volume1 資源格式: PDF 版本: 影印版 目錄: 22 master css effects
30 create angular designs with css3 rotation
32 write your first jquery tooltip plugin
36 an in-depth introduction to json
40 20 php top tips
46 add a facebook news feed to your site
50 develop a newsletter script in php
54 create an app using mojito framework
58 create great masonry layouts
60 customise wordpress with widgets
64 open an eshop using wordpress
68 create a wordpress shortcode plug-in
72 get to grips with wordpress taxonomies
76 build headers with colourful animated text
78 graphical blog themes in photoshop
82 design html5-themed badges
84 how to make a one-page website work
88 design and build a flash portfollo part1
92 design and build a flash portfollo part2
98 animate content dynamically
102 add modern navigation effects using css3
106 create impact with css3 hower effects
110 make kineric animations with css3
116 build a 3D image gallery with css3
120 cater for older browsers with css3 pie
124 create progressive headers with html5
128 design an interactive html5 footer
132 animated infographics with css&jquery
136 build a cover flow with jquery &css3
140 create an ecommerce carousel
144 create parallax-scrolling backgrounds
148 create interactive animations from twtter
152 produce eye-catching box blur effects
156 side-scrolling semplates with jquery
160 design and build an image slider header
166 make a 360-degree ciewer without flash
170 produce a drag-and-drop image gallery
174 supercharge your css with sass
182 optimiseyour site
188 improve your entry pages with ribbos
192 design simpler layouts with css3 flexbox
196 create easy animations with adobe edge
200 make a wordpress theme adapt
204 get rid of the sidebar in wordpress
208 make your ecommerce themes attractive
212 improve your mobile design
216 easily publish to mobile devices
220 make simple native mobile apps

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