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《美國國家地理圖冊 兒童版》(A Kids Guide to t
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發布時間 2017/7/18
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《美國國家地理圖冊 兒童版》(A Kids Guide to t 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:這本書介紹了美國各個地區,它通過國家地圖冊讓孩子們以清晰和易於理解的方式學習美國的地理和文化。Arranged regionally to give readers an overview of the distinct areas of the 簡介: 內容介紹: 這本書介紹了美國各個地區,它通過國
"《美國國家地理圖冊 兒童版》(A Kids Guide to t"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:這本書介紹了美國各個地區,它通過國家地圖冊讓孩子們以清晰和易於理解的方式學習美國的地理和文化。Arranged regionally to give readers an overview of the distinct areas of the 簡介:

Arranged regionally to give readers an overview of the distinct areas of the country, the State-by-State Atlas creates a clear and easy to understand way of learning American geography and culture. Each state's landscape, industry, agriculture, population, history, and folkways are explored in a vibrant information book children will want to use throughout their school age years.
This visually attractive guide to the states divides the nation into seven major regions. For each area, a short time line lists events as diverse as the Battle of Gettysburg and the completion of Mt. Rushmore. The spread for each state offers information on the bird, flower, tree, population, ranking in statehood, and land area. Two paragraphs of general description and history introduce the state, while additional bits of information in caption form are provided. A short profile of a historical figure or current celebrity is included, such as Madonna from Michigan and Susan B. Anthony from New York.


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