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《硬盤溫度監控軟件》(BinarySense HDD Temperature)v.4.0.24/含注冊機[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《硬盤溫度監控軟件》(BinarySense HDD Temperature)v.4.0.24/含注冊機[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 硬盤溫度監控軟件 英文名 : BinarySense HDD Temperature 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v.4.0.24/含注冊機 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : BinarySense Inc. 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Use the manualy activation . fill the registr
"《硬盤溫度監控軟件》(BinarySense HDD Temperature)v.4.0.24/含注冊機[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 硬盤溫度監控軟件
英文名: BinarySense HDD Temperature
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v.4.0.24/含注冊機
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: BinarySense Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Use the manualy activation . fill the registration box with th e first serial and then choose offline activation. Software will provide the HWID replace 0000-0000 by your HWID in the keygen and fill with the second serial.
1. Install HDD Temperature
2. Use our Keygen
3. Enjoy this release from team NGEN
應用平台:Windows (Windows 7 compatibility)
問題反饋: http://hddtemp.com/eng/support.html
網站鏈接: http://hddtemp.com/
  HDD Temperature是一款小而精巧的硬盤溫度探測軟件,它隨系統啟動後自動運行於後台,在系統托盤處會顯示出詳細的溫度值。用右鍵點擊系統托盤圖標可顯示出軟件菜單,左鍵可菜單進行設定。呵呵!需要密切關注硬盤溫度的朋友可要下載下來看看了,如果軟件顯示不出你硬盤溫度的話,那就說明硬盤不支持此功能。
Every day you turn off your computer and go home thinking that your data are safe and secure on your computer, on your hard disk. But do you know that even a hard disk can break down? And it means that all the data you store there will be lost!
The problem of cooling the computer is not new. The more powerful and faster computers become, the "hotter" they get. The modern Intel Core processor radiates more than 70W of heat!!! Other hardware is not far behind. Coolers on video cards, additional coolers inside computer cases and power supply units are quite common nowadays.
And only hard disks have no additional means to cool them off while they are constantly surrounded by heat-radiating hardware. When the temperature of a hard disk rises by 10°C, its reliability becomes TWO TIMES LESS! According to manufactures1, the normal recommended working temperature of a hard disk is 35-40°С. Once it rises by just 10°С – from 40°С to 50°С, the safety of its work becomes more than two times less!
That is why in the first place hard disk temperature monitoring is a way to prevent the loss of data.
To solve this problem, we created this solution named HDD Temperature™ (Hard Disk Drive Temperature). This software is used to control the temperature of hard disks and prevent failures in their work due to overheating.
It stays invisible.
Hard Drive Temperature™ works invisibly in the background mode and bothers you only when there is an actual threat to your data and warns you about a dangerous overheating of your hard disk.
Critical data saving.
Even if you are not around when the critical temperature of your hard disk has been exceeded, Hard Drive Temperature™ will take care and save all your data! It will switch the system into the standby mode and turn off the computer giving the hard disk time to cool off and preventing it from breaking down. All your data, including unsaved Word and Excel documents, will be saved and restored after you turn on your computer!
...and many more new features in HDD Temperature 4! Read what's new!


 °
°±²² °  ² 
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 ° ° °² °±² °
 °² ²² proudly presents...  moqui 
²² ²²²²² hs²²
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² ²± ±² ²
°²² ²² BinarySense HDD Temperature ²² ²²°
²²²²° °²²²²
°²±²±²²² ²²²±²±²°
²²²²²²°²±° cracker........: nGen team °±²°²²²²²²
²±²²²° ²± ±² °²²²±²
°²²° °±²± ² ² ±²±° °²²°
 ²²°° target.os......: WinALL °°²² 
°²²² size...........: ²²²°
±° °²² ²²° °±
  °²° °²°  
° ² ² protection.....: Armadilllo ² ² °
²° °²²± release.date...: 22/09/2010 ±²²° °²
°²²² ²²° °²² ²²²°
°²±²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²±²°
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 
²²±²²²²² (program-notes) ²²²²²±²²
°±²²° °²² ²²° °²²±°
±²° ° ±²²° Use the manualy activation . fi °²²± ° °²±
°²² ° °²² ll the registration box with th ²²° ° ²²°
²²° ²²²²° e first serial and then choose °²²²² °²²
²²²²°° offline activation. Software wi °°²²²²
°°²²²²° ll provide the HWID replace 00 °²²²²°°
°±² ° ±²² 00-0000 by your HWID in the key ²²± ° ²±°
²² ²²²° gen and fill with the second s °²²² ²²
°²² ° ° ²² erial ²² ° ° ²²°
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²²² °²² ²²° ²²²
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°²² ° ° ²² ²² ° ° ²²°
²² ²²²° °²²² ²²
°²²²²²° °²²²²²°
°²²²° °²²²°
°²±²²° ±²² (release-notes) ²²± °²²±²°
²²° ° ±²²° °²²± ° °²²
²²² °²² 1. Install HDD Temperature ²²° ²²²
²²²° ²²²²° 2. Use our Keygen °²²²² °²²²
²²²²°° 3. Enjoy this release from team °°²²²²
°°²²²² NGEN ²²²²°°
±² °²²² ²²²° ²±
²²° ° ²²²° °²²² ° °²²
²² °²±² ²±²° ²²
²² ²²²° °²²² ²²
°²²²² ²²²²°
°²²² ° ° ²²²°
°±²²² ²²² ²²² ²²²±°
²²²° ° ²²²° °²²² ° °²²²
°²²² ²²² ²²² ²²²°
±²² °²²²²° °²²²²° ²²±
°²²²° ²²²²° °²²²² °²²²°
°²²²° °²²²°
°²²²²° °²²²²°
°²² ²²²°
²² °± (group-info) ±° ²²
° °±²²± ²²° °²² ±²²±° °
 ²²²² nGen is an another competitor on the ²²²² 
±²  ° 0day scene. We will try to give the best ° ° ²±
²² ° of ourselves to bring you quality. ²²
°²² ²²
²²²² We are currently looking for: ²²²²
°²²²² * 10mbits+ boxes for our exclusive ²²²²°
²²²² use ²²²²
²²² * 100mbits+ US/EU/ASiA affils ²²²
²²°  * unreleased software/game suppliers  °²²
²±²° ²²² * talented crackers/unpackers/key- ²²² °²±²
°²²²° °²² genners ²²° °²²²°
°²±²²± °²²²° °²²²° ±²²±²°
²²² ° °²±²²° (greetings) °²²±²° ° ° ²²²
²²²²°²±²² CPH, DFS, HS-ART, AG, Cryotik, ²²±²°²²²²
°²²²²²²²² RECOiL, uCF, RSS ²²²²²²²²°
²²°  ° °  °²²
²²² °   ²²²
°±²±² ²² ²² ° ²±²±°
²²²²²² ²²²²²²
²²²±²²² ²²²±²²²
²² header°& layout by moqui^hs 2004 ²²
²²   ²²
²²² ²²²
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