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《應用程序保護》(The.Enigma.Protector.)v2.33.20110112[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 應用程序保護 英文名 : The.Enigma.Protector. 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v2.33.20110112 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : enigmaprotector 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型: 安全相關 -> 加密軟件 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:Winll 問題反饋:ht
中文名: 應用程序保護
英文名: The.Enigma.Protector.
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.33.20110112
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: enigmaprotector
語言: 英文

軟件類型: 安全相關 -> 加密軟件
Enigma Protector 是專門設計用來為您的應用程序添加高強度保護的強大工具,支持以下類型的文件格式:
Win32 可執行文件 (*.exe);
Windows 屏幕保護程序 (*.scr);
動態鏈接庫 (*.dll);
32位 ActiveX 控件 (*.ocx);
.NET 可執行文件 (*.exe).
Enigma Protector 的許可管理:
Enigma Protector 配有專業的許可管理工具:
郵件管理器。通過數據庫自動創建並發送 Email 給用戶。例如,軟件開發商通常需要將新版軟件的更新信息發送給注冊用戶,使用 Enigma 郵件管理器,就可以輕松完成這項工作。
Enigma Protector 擁有高級注冊密鑰生成方案:
舒適的密鑰創建和驗證界面。 您不必到處搜索如何為客戶創建安全的注冊密鑰,Enigma Protector 可以幫助您輕松創建使用 RSA 512-bits 加密算法的注冊密鑰!
Enigma API - 特殊的應用程序接口函數。 Enigma API 是一組特殊的函數集,用於被保護的文件和 Enigma 裝載器之間的通信,主要用來為保護的文件添加注冊功能和控制試用參數。
硬件鎖定密鑰。 此特性幫助您生成僅供某一特定計算機使用的注冊密鑰!該注冊密鑰具有硬件鎖定功能,僅在您指定的計算機上生效。
時間限制密鑰。 如果您需要限制注冊版程序的使用時間,只需要創建具有時間限制功能的注冊密鑰!
Enigma Protector 擁有多種時間限制特性:
試用次數、天數、日期和運行時間限制。 共享軟件最主要的特點是“先試用後購買”,客戶需要評估軟件的工作特性,所以我們在展示共享軟件功能的同時需要給軟件加上運行時間的限制。
系統時鐘控制。 此特性用來控制系統時鐘的回撥,幫助您避免不誠實客戶帶來的損失。
Enigma Protector 加密特性:
Enigma Protector 擁有多種加密特性來保護您的軟件免遭破解:
反調試器保護。 調試器是一種在程序運行過程中逆向代碼的特殊工具,所有的逆向工程者都使用調試器來分析您軟件的工作流程和保護方式。使用反調試器保護可以有效防止程序運行時被調試器加載。
校驗和保護。 校驗和是一種特殊數據,用來檢查軟件數據是否被修改。每一種破解(例如修改注冊流程)都需要修改機器碼,此時 Enigma Protector 就可以檢測到原文件是否被修改,並提醒用戶。Enigma Protector 不僅檢查被保護文件的機器碼,殼自身的機器碼也同樣會檢測!
設置啟動密碼。 也許有時候您只希望某一特定的用戶組使用保護後的文件,為文件設置啟動密碼就是最安全的方案。
附加特性。 檢測同時運行的進程數量、文件名稱和磁盤類型。
高級輸入表保護。 沒有人會知道您導入了哪些 API 函數。
檢測 Windows 版本。
檢測虛擬機軟件、虛擬系統。如果保護後的文件在虛擬機裡 (VMWare, Virtual PC etc) 運行,會自動結束進程。
文件封裝(捆綁)。將您程序使用的 DLL 文件與其它數據文件封裝進獨立的 EXE 文件中,避免被第三方軟件盜用。
Enigma Protector 迿可以幫助您為您的軟件添加一些漂亮的東西,而您無需添加任何代碼:
啟動畫面(閃屏)。 為程序添加啟動畫面,可以在程序啟動時顯示您指定的圖片。

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±° °±±° °±±²° ±²°
ת °±± ±± ²± .
. °±° °±±±²²±±° ±±°
. °±± °±²± ת
ת °°°° °±² °±²° .
°±²° ±° °²° °°±²²±° ת
±± ± ±°  °±°
°± °²° ת ² . ± ±²° ±
±² ש ²²° ° ±°°²° ²°
°² ± °±²²±° ± . ²²² ±±
°² + ° °° ° ² ²±
±² ²± ²² °  ת °
° ש  ° ת°²± ± ש
°² ±±  ° ±° ש ±²°
ת ° ±   °ש ±° °±° +
° ±± °° ± ° ±° ת ±°
. °° ש ±± ± ± ± °°± ²²°
± °± ° ± ± ת±² ±° ש
±  +   ² °²°
°²²   ת  ± °± ת
±° ת°±  ±  ת ° °
±    ² °  °± 08
ת °²  ±² °°°°  ת ² 07
°  ת ±±   ± . 10
+ ° ² ² ²° °±
ש ± °²° °²  ±² ²°
°²²²²°²ת ±ת°²²° ת
 °±²°°°²²° ± . ±° ±±° .
°°°° ש °°±±²²²²±±°° ת°±°°° ש °±±±°
ת + ±± 
ת . ±²²° of THETA
. ש °±±±°  ש
°°±²² ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ²²±°°
°°±²           ²±°°
°°±²        ²±°°
 
 ID: The Enigma Protector v2.33.20110112 
 
 Web: www.enigmaprotector.com 
 
 DRM: Custom serial 
 
 Type: Serial 
 
 Unit: SupaSta 
 
 Date: 06.02.2011 
 
°°±²² _ ___ __ ___ ²²±°°
°°±²      ²±°°
°°±²      ²±°°
 
 The Enigma Protector is powerful tool that was designed for 
 complex protection of program modules. Program modules 
 include following types of objects: 
 * Windows 32 and 64 bits Portable Executable files (*.exe); 
 * Windows Screen saver files (*.scr); 
 * Dynamic Link Libraries (*.dll); 
 * ActiveX control files (*.ocx); 
 * .NET executables (*.exe). 
 
 When we say "protection" we mean realization of two major 
 ideas. First one is integration of "try before you buy" 
 conception support system into the program module. Second one 
 is protection of machine code of program module from analysis 
 and cracking. As can be seen, the protection is realized in 
 different, but nevertheless greatly interrelated aspects, 
 which are protection of developer economic interests and 
 technical protection of the program product. 
 
 The Enigma Protector has advanced scheme of registration keys 
 generation: 
 * Comfortable interface for creating and verifying of 
 registration keys. You do not need to search any safe 
 decisions how to generate registration keys for customers. 
 The Enigma Protector helps you to create keys with very safe 
 algorithm like RSA up to 4096-bits key length! 
 * Special Enigma API. Enigma API is the set of special 
 functions to make communication between protected program 
 module and the Enigma loader. It gives access to full 
 information about registration keys, current trial parameters 
 and so on. 
 * Hardware locking of registration keys. This perfect feature 
 helps you to generate registration keys for particular 
 computer only! The registration key generated with the 
 hardware lock function enabled will works only on one PC you 
 have chose. 
 * Time limited registration keys. If you need to limit time 
 of usage of registered version of module, just create time 
 limited registration key! 
 * Registration dialog designer. Allows to customize 
 registration dialog that is shown at the module startup! 
 
 The Enigma Protector includes few unique tools for managing 
 of licenses: 
 * License Manager serves for storing of licenses generated 
 for the registered users. Once you generate a registration 
 key you can simply add this information into internal 
 database. License Manager provides you to create/edit 
 licenses and customers records. 
 * Mailer serves for automatically generate and send emails to 
 the users that are stored in the database. For any software 
 developer is the common thing to send notification emails to 
 the registered users (for example, if the newest version of 
 the software has been realized or new registration scheme has 
 been implemented), Mailer provides you very simple way 
 automatically generate and send emails. 
 
 The Enigma Protector has wide range of features to limit time 
 of module usage: 
 * Executions, days, date, time limitations. The main 
 conception of shareware is "try before you buy". The customer 
 should see how the application works and what features it 
 has. Let's show these features but do not forget to limit 
 usage time to increase motivation to buy application. 
 * System clock control. This feature is used to control 
 system clock reversing. It helps you to avoid not honest 
 customers. 
 
 The Enigma Protector has a lot of features to make your 
 software resistant to cracking: 
 * Anti-debugger tricks. Debuggers are the special tools that 
 allow to reverse source machine codes of executed module. All 
 reverse engineers use these tool to understand how your 
 module works or how the protection of module works. Using of 
 this feature helps to avoid simultaneous execution of 
 protected module with debug tools. 
 * Control sum checking. Control sum is a special data which 
 helps to understand is the data region modified or not. Every 
 crack (e.g. removing of protection) needs to modify some of 
 machine code region, The Enigma Protector is able to check is 
 the sources modified and if it is then make alert. The Enigma 
 Protector checks not only machine codes of protected module 
 but the own sources too! 
 * Set startup password. Sometimes you need to limit count of 
 users which are using protected module to particular group. 
 Using of startup password feature is the most safe decision. 
 * External files checkup. Allows to check version and (or) 
 attributes and (or) hash (checksum) and or date of external 
 files. 
 * Processes checkup. Allows to set a list of dangerous tools 
 that could not simultaneously work with protected module 
 (this feature can help to do not execute protected module if 
 sceencaptures tools, or any monitors or debuggers are 
 running). 
 * Virtualization tools checkup. Allows to stop execution if 
 the protected module is running under Virtual Machine like 
 VMWare, Virtual PC or etc. 
 * Here are also checkups of Installed services and Windows 
 version. 
 * Additional features. They checks up number of simultaneous 
 executed copies of protected module, file name of module, 
 disk type on which module is executed. 
 * Hard modifications of import table of executable. Nobody 
 will know what import libraries uses your module. 
 
 The Enigma Protector has features to help programmer to add 
 beautiful things into existing module without writing any 
 additional sources strings: 
 * Splash screen. Adds splash screen to module startup. Choose 
 your own picture to show it while module is starting. 
 
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
 
 1. Install the software. 
 2. Check 'Serial' directory. 
 3. If you like this software - support the creator. 
 
°°±²² _ _ ___ _ _ _ ²²±°°
°°±²       ²±°°
°°±²       ²±°°
 
 + FrenFolio + Ignite 
 coder.cracker cracker 
 
 + Illusion + Liandri 
 coder.cracker founder.supplier 
 
 + s0l_ir0n + s2003r 
 coder.cracker cracker.supplier 
 
 + SupaSta  Wanted, experience required: 
 supplier cracker,coder,gfxer 
 
°°±²² ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ²²±°°
°°±²         ²±°°
°°±²          ²±°°
 
 Web.......................................................none 
 
 IRC......................irc://irc.street-creed.com:6667/theta 
 
 E-mail (no requests).....................theta.pubgmail.com 
 
°±² ²±°



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