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《MinGW編譯器2010版,包括MSYS、MinGW、Gcc的3.45和4.45版,絕對好用》[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : MinGW編譯器2010版,包括MSYS、MinGW、Gcc的3.45和4.45版,絕對好用 資源格式 : 壓縮包 發行時間 : 2010年10月20日 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 【簡介】 官網:http://www.mingw.org/ 。以下內容轉自官網,我就不翻譯了,懂的人自然明白。 MinGW, a contraction of "Min
中文名: MinGW編譯器2010版,包括MSYS、MinGW、Gcc的3.45和4.45版,絕對好用
資源格式: 壓縮包
發行時間: 2010年10月20日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

官網:http://www.mingw.org/ 。以下內容轉自官網,我就不翻譯了,懂的人自然明白。
MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications.
MinGW provides a complete Open Source programming tool set which is suitable for the development of native MS-Windows applications, and which do not depend on any 3rd-party C-Runtime DLLs. (It does depend on a number of DLLs provided by Microsoft themselves, as components of the operating system; most notable among these is MSVCRT.DLL, the Microsoft C runtime library. Additionally, threaded applications must ship with a freely distributable thread support DLL, provided as part of MinGW itself).
MinGW compilers provide access to the functionality of the Microsoft C runtime and some language-specific runtimes. MinGW, being Minimalist, does not, and never will, attempt to provide a POSIX runtime environment for POSIX application deployment on MS-Windows. If you want POSIX application deployment on this platform, please consider Cygwin instead.
Primarily intended for use by developers working on the native MS-Windows platform, but also available for cross-hosted use, (see note below -- you may need to follow the "read more" link to see it), MinGW includes:
A port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), including C, C++, ADA and Fortran compilers;
GNU Binutils for Windows (assembler, linker, archive manager)
A graphical and a command-line installer for MinGW and MSYS deployment on MS-Windows
MSYS, a contraction of "Minimal SYStem", is a Bourne Shell command line interpreter system. Offered as an alternative to Microsoft's cmd.exe, this provides a general purpose command line environment, which is particularly suited to use with MinGW, for porting of many Open Source applications to the MS-Windows platform; a light-weight fork of Cygwin-1.3, it includes a small selection of Unix tools, chosen to facilitate that objective, and using it is a necessary prerequisite for building mingwPORTs.
mingwPORTs are user contributed additions to the MinGW software collection. Rather than providing these "add-ons" as precompiled binary packages, they are supplied in the form of interactive Bourne shell scripts, which guide the end user through the process of automatically downloading and patching original source code, then building and installing it. Users who wish to build any application from a mingwPORT must first install both MinGW and MSYS.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement: Written by Wwashington @ newsmth forum. 2011/03/15 18:00.
Please keep all information if you want to keep it, or redistribute it.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
本人收藏的 MSYS + MinGW 開發包,包括穩定的版本和較新的版本,發出來分享。
1) Common-Apps ----->
insight-6.3.exe ,直接在Win32運行的,可視化 MinGW GDB。
insight-6.6-mingw.tar.bz2 ,在MSYS-1.0.11或wish84運行,
-------- 如果在Win32或tclsh84裡面運行,子進程異常退出。
nmake.exe ,來自 Visual Studio 2008 的微軟 nmake 文件。
Readme.txt ,為了方便新手進行安裝,本人編寫的幫助文檔。
sunrpc-4.0-3-src.tar.bz2 ,因為不太好找,所以放在這裡。
2) MSYS-1.0.11 ----->
MSYS-1.0.11-Gcc.7z ,默認已包含 Gcc 4.3.3 TDM Mingw32。
msysDTK-1.0.1.exe ,這是 MSYS-1.0.11 配套的開發工具包。
MinGW-Static-4.4.5-All.7z ,這是 Gcc 4.4.5 QP Mingw32。
升級指南:刪掉 MSYS-1.0.11 的 Mingw 目錄,用新版替換。
3) MSYS-1.0.16 ----->
MinGW-5.1.6.Part1.rar ,這是分卷壓縮包,不要安裝 MSYS。
MinGW-5.1.6.Part2.rar ,內含Gcc 3.4.5,這個版本最穩定。
MSYS-1.0.16-Env.7z ,直接解壓就是 MSYS,不包含Gcc工具。
makeinfo.exe ,它跟前面的make是一起發布,干脆一起換掉。
安裝指南:建立 MSYS-1.0.16 的 Mingw 目錄,安裝到那裡。
壓縮包裡包含了壓縮文件和安裝文件,我已經用殺毒軟件掃描過,是安全可靠的。殺毒軟件名:ESET Smart Security,病毒庫版本:5968 (20110319)。 

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