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《網頁開發》(JetBrains WebStorm)v2.0.1[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/17
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《網頁開發》(JetBrains WebStorm)v2.0.1[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 計算機
"《網頁開發》(JetBrains WebStorm)v2.0.1[壓縮包]"介紹


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為軟件開發人員創建增效型智能開發工具的公司 JetBrains® 擴大了其特定語言 IDE 產品線,並宣布大規模推出兩款面向 PHP 及網頁開發的新產品:PhpStorm 和 WebStorm 。

繼首款針對 Ruby/Rails 推出的特定語言 IDE JetBrains RubyMine 的成功之後,JetBrains 選擇了應用最廣泛的網頁開發技術之一 PHP 作為其下一個攻克目標。
JetBrains 項目主管 Maxim Mossienko 表示:“使用 IntelliJ IDEA 以及利用 PHP 工作的 Java 開發人員長期以來一直要求我們增加 PHP 語言支持。我們首先在 IntelliJ IDEA 9.0 中推出了 PHP 支持,並計劃隨後創建特定的 IDE。盡管我們仍然計劃將 IntelliJ IDEA 作為混合語言編程的終極 IDE,但 IntelliJ Platform 也使我們能夠輕松創造特定語言開發環境。PhpStorm 和 WebStorm 是這一功能強大的輕重量 IDE 產品線的新組成部分。”

Web IDE = JavaScript / HTML Editor + JS Debugger + VCS Support!
Create great web sites in a great editor

The best JavaScript, CSS and HTML editor is at your fingertips. Navigate through files easily. Use relevant autocompletion for everything in your code. Get notified about code problems on the fly. Complicated languages mixtures with HTML markup or SQL inside a JavaScript? Check how a modern IDE such as WebStorm handles this.

Open code from anywhere and start working in no time

Open an existing folder, check out the code from a VCS, or even specify your FTP to download and auto-sync your files with. You're up and running in moments. Watch this short demo on getting started.

Web Coding Made Smarter

We've collected some of the most exciting features that, in our opinion, the WebStorm and PhpStorm IDEs provide. Just the top of the iceberg. Read the sections below, scan the screenshots and download the product to try it in action.
DOM- and Schema-Based Code Completion
HTML5 Support
Validation and Quick-Fixes
Zen Coding
Show Content
Show Applied Styles
More than Code
Batch Code Analysis
Language Mixing/Injection
DOM-Based, Browser-Specific Completion
Code Navigation and Usages Search
JavaScript Refactoring
Code Inspections and Quick-Fixes
JavaScript Debugger Based on Mozilla
Extended Frameworks Support
Smart Environment
FTP and Remote Files Syncronization
Version Control Systems Integration
Local History





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